标题: 含钪铝合金焊接热裂性质研究
The Study Of Hot Cracking On The Scandium–Aluminum Alloys
作者: 叶圣文
Yeh, Sheng-Wen
Chou, Chang-Pin
关键字: 含钪铝合金;热裂;焊接;热循环;应变量;Scandium–Aluminum Alloys;Hot Cracking;Welding;Thermal Cycles;Strains
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究主要探讨针对M6、M7E、M7B、M9H4 之含钪铝合金,施以不同次数之惰气钨极电弧焊,在不使用填料之情况下,利用点焊可调应变试验(Spot Varestraint Test) 机,来探讨在不同之热循环(number of thermal cycles) 次数与不同之外加应变量下其焊接热裂缝敏感性。利用立体显微镜观察热裂纹与影像撷取软体计算裂纹长度,配合光学显微镜观察与扫描式电子显微镜(SEM) 观察裂缝形成之微观组织与不同含钪(Sc) 量之含钪铝合金焊接热裂缝敏感性之比较。
分析结果显示M6、M7B、M9H4 含钪铝合金在不同之外加应变量下,其熔融区之热裂缝总长度不会随着热循环次数之增加而增加,但会随着应变量之加大而增加。热裂敏感性比较,在不同外加应变量及热循环次数下之量测结果,依序是M6 裂缝总长度最长,M7B与M7E 在一次及二次热循环中热裂敏感性相近,M9H4 则为最小。即M9H4>M7E>M7B>M6。
裂缝破断面微结构组织上,在熔融区均观察到三个明显区域,树枝状区(D区)、树枝-平滑转换区(D-F区)与平滑区(F区),此可证明熔融区均属于凝固热裂机构;在热影响区均为沿晶脆性破坏之液化热裂机构。部分熔融区处经EDS分析,发现M7B、M7E 含钪铝合金并未出现含有成份Cu、Mg 之偏析现象,属单纯的晶界液化。M6与M9H4二种合金金属在晶界附近均有相当大的Cu偏析现象,且随着热循环次数增加而加剧。因此,M6与M9H4二种合金在部分熔融区均为偏析热裂。
The “Spot-Varestraint Test” was applied to assess the sensitivity of four scandium–aluminum alloys –M6, M7E, M7B and M9H4 – to hot cracking from welding. In these experiments we applied Gaseous Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) without an added feeder. Samples with varied thermal cycles and with one or two welding energy inputs on the same welding seam were prepared, The stereoscopic microscope is used to observe hot cracking and the software for computer image acquisition and analysis measurement are used to measure and to analyze the length of hot cracks in the fusion and the heat-affected zones with varied augmented applied strains and thermal cycles. The optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to observe the microstructure of crack formation with different amount of scandium the containing scandium aluminum for welding hot crack sensitivity.
The results indicate that the number of cracks increases with increasing augmented strain. This phenomenon occurs in both the fusion and the heat-affected zones. The number of thermal cycles also has a significant influence on the heat-affected zone; the number of hot cracks increases, especially in the heat-affected zone of the metal weld, with increasing number of thermal cycles. The hot cracking sensitivity under different augmented strain and number of the thermal cycles shows that the crack length of M6 is the length, M7B and M7E an similar in the hot cracking sensitivity, the M9H4 is the shortest. The compositions of these four alloys show that M6, M7B and M7E have similar tendencies to be subject to hot cracking, greater than M9H4. With increasing number of thermal cycles, the hot cracks show the same tendency, M9H4 > M7E> M7B> M6.
On cracking fracture surface, the experiment results show three distinct regions in the fusion zone, dendritic area (D area), dendritic-flat area(D-F area) and the flat area (F area), to confirmed the fusion zone belong to the solidification cracking. In the heat affected zone, the results indicate the brittleness fracture phenomenon along grain boundary on the fracture surface, and it is presented in the form of liquefied hot cracking. The EDS analysis for the partial melting zone shows M7B and M7E does not produce Cu and Mg segregation increases. These two kinds of alloys are purely grain boundary liquation.M6 and M9H4 have the Cu element segregation in the vicinity of grain boundaries, and are the Cu segregation increases with the number of thermal cycles. So that the M6 and M9H4 are segregation-induced liquation mechanism in the partially melted zone.


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