Title: 2030年物聯網之發展與應用情境-以智慧城市與車聯網為例
Development and scenario of Internet of Things in 2030 - an evidence of Smart City and IOT based Vehicle
Authors: 卓躍秦
Jhuo, Yue-Cin
Yuan, Benjamin
Keywords: 物聯網;車聯網;智慧交通;車載資通訊;智慧城市;Internet of Things;IOT;IOT Based Vehicle;Fully Networked Car;Connected Vehicle;Intelligent Transportation System;ITS;Telematics;WAVE/DSRC;IEEE 802.11p
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 繼雲端之後,物聯網成為全球矚目的熱門話題。除全球大廠紛紛投入研發資源,各國與區域亦紛紛提出建立物聯網之相關政策。


After the cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IOT) has got most of the attention on the global agenda. Not only the leading companies have invested in R & D resources on it, but also countries or regions have announced the policies to incubate the Internet of Things.

The trend of vehicle intellectualization has become increasingly obvious. The applications of Internet of Things have unlimited imagination. The IOT based vehicle may be the first one to realize it while the Intelligent Transportation System and Telematics provide the basic criteria for IOT based vehicle development.

Aside from computers and mobile phones, the vehicle will also become a new Internet application. With vehicle video recorder, the mobility and universality make vehicles great movable nodes to collect information in the Internet of Things.
Appears in Collections:Thesis