标题: 游戏云端之商业模式—以OnLive、Gaikai及G-Cluster为例
Analyzing Business Model of Cloud Gaming – A Case Study on OnLive, Gaikai, and G-Cluster
作者: 何锦泉
Ho, Chin-Chuan
Yang, Chyan
关键字: 云端运算;游戏;商业模式;游戏云端;商业模式本体论;云端方块模型;Cloud Computing;game;business model;Cloud Gaming;Business Model Ontology;Cloud Cube Model
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 游戏云端是近年来兴起的云端技术,将高端的游戏运算放在云端伺服器上,透过影音串流技术,可以将游戏画面呈现在各式各样的终端装置上,如手机及平板电脑。此项技术需要大量的频宽,也需要高端伺服器的运算,也提供了游戏厂商在不修改原生游戏程式的情况下移植游戏至行动装置上,也让一些低阶行动装置厂商有机会丰富手机的内容。游戏云端有机会整合网路业者、伺服器供应商、游戏厂商、行动装置厂商,提供消费者前所未有的体验。本研究目的在于分析现有游戏云端公司OnLive、Gaikai及G-Cluster跟其他产业角色整合下的商业模式,透过云端方块模型(Cloud Cube Model, CCM)及商业模式本体论 (Business Model Ontology) 分析出游戏云端的产业特性,进而提出未来可能的发展方向。研究中发现G-Cluster的商业模式可以充分整合软硬体上下游,可做为台湾科技业的借镜。
Cloud Gaming is a new clouding computing technology in recent years. It puts high-end gaming calculation in the cloud servers, and streams video and audio to various devices, including mobile phones, pads, and netbooks. Cloud Gaming needs huge network bandwidth, high-end and specific servers. But it also provides chances that game providers can port games through this technology without changing their games. It also provides chances that low-end devices can enrich their contents with Cloud Gaming. Cloud Gaming could be a framework that integrate ISP, server vendors, game provides, mobile device providers to provide customers amazing experiences. We target to analyze the business model of existing Cloud Gaming companies, like Onlive, Gaikai, and G-Cluster. We also use Cloud Cube Model and Business Model Ontology to analyze the characteristics of Cloud Gaming, and propose future direction of it. We found that business model of G-Cluster fully integrates supply chain and could be a good sample for Taiwan’s high-tech industry.


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