Title: 獎勵認知與自我效能對薪資滿足及組織承諾之影響探討-以C銀行為例
The Influences of Pay-for-performance Perceptions and Self-efficacy on Pay Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment - C Bank Case Study
Authors: 李明蓉
Lee, Ming Jung
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 獎勵認知;自我效能;薪資滿足;組織承諾;Pay-for-performance Perceptions;Self-efficacy;Pay Satisfaction;Organizational Commitment
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本研究是以國內某家銀行(本研究簡稱C銀行)之員工為調查對象,探討薪酬認知議題,該個案銀行原屬於公股行庫,於1998年民營化後歷經薪酬制度改革、人事更迭及員工離退,近十幾年來,隨著市場環境變化,該銀行最大改變莫過於組織改造、薪酬制度變革及員工工作態度轉變。為了解C銀行在前揭改變下,現行薪酬制度及員工工作態度特質對C銀行之投入與認同成效,本研究以薪酬激勵層面為主軸,分別從員工的獎勵認知、自我效能為變項,以薪資滿足為中介,探討員工對C銀行願意投入貢獻與留任承諾之關係。
This study is to explore pay-for-performance perception issue of employees based on a survey conducted on a domestic bank (referred to as C bank). C bank was previously government owned, but following its privatization in 1998, it underwent wage regulation reform, personnel changes, and employee resignation. In the ten years, in accordance with shifts in the market environment, the most significant changes C bank underwent were organizational restructuring, wage regulation reform, and changes in employee attitudes. To understand whether the effects of pay incentives and employees’ attitude have a significant impact on the improvement of C bank’s recognition and organizational commitment, this study employs salary satisfaction as an intermediary to explore the relationships between pay-for-performance perception and self-efficiency and the employees’ commitment into the C bank, respectively.
The results indicate that a significant correlation exists among the pay-for-performance perceptions, self-efficacy, and pay satisfaction of the employees of C bank and their organizational commitment. That is, C bank’s current wage incentive regulations, employees’ self-efficacy, and pay satisfaction are related to the employees’ job retention and organizational commitment. Therefore, the pay incentive regulations and the recognition of self-efficacy influence employees’ job and organizational commitment. This information can serve as a reference for companies that are developing wage regulations by helping them recognize that wage incentives and employee self-efficacy influence companies’ developments, which enables effective incentive program implementation and the retention of self-efficient employees, and enables companies to develop proper incentives and increase performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis