Title: 知覺工作特性與知覺正義對組織承諾感與組織公民行為之影響-以民用航空器維修公司發動機部門為例
Effects of Perceived Job Characteristics and Perceived Justice on Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior:Case of Aircraft Engine Maintenance Department in Civil Aircraft Maintenance Company
Authors: 陳則言
Tse-Yen Chen
William Jen
Keywords: 組織承諾;組織公民行為;工作特性;知覺正義;結構方程式模型;Organizational Commitment;Organizational Citizenship Behavior;Job Charateristics;Perception of Organizational Justice;Structural Equation Modeling
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 摘 要 員工的角色內行為通常可在組織日常運作中確立行為準則與規範,但員工的組織公民行為是一種不考慮組織認可或獎勵下,自發性產生的正面角色外行為。組織公民行為行為若依行為對象的不同,可以分為針對組織與針對個人兩種。通常一般行為準則與規範難以有效管理,易受員工心理狀態影響而有程度的不同。 組織承諾感在過去組織行為的研究中,常被用來瞭解員工心理狀態。依心理狀態的性質,可分為情感性,持續性與規範性三種。而現今研究多以情感性組織承諾感為主要探討對象。過去許多研究指出情感性組織承諾感顯著影響組織公民行為。而影響情感性組織承諾感的因素,則可從員工進入組織的目的以及進入後所進行之工作內容進行討論。根據公平理論的概念,員工進入組織的目的是為了工作交換獲取自身的利益。且進而會與他人比較以衡量自己所應得之報酬標準,於文獻上可分為分配正義與程序正義兩種概念。若是知覺不正義將對情感性組織承諾感產生負面影響,可能進而間接影響員工的組織公民行為。若從工作內容的影響討論,則可以考慮工作特性的影響。過去研究者即指出工作特性較豐富對於員工通常具備激勵效果,會正向影響組織承諾感。 因此,本研究認為欲預測組織承諾感與組織公民行為,應瞭解員工知覺工作特性帶來的潛在激勵與知覺正義。而回顧過去的文獻可發現,探討工作特性與知覺正義等組織承諾感前導因素的研究,或是組織承諾感與組織公民行為的關連性探討,大多並未具備1.整體的構面衡量 與 2.整體路徑分析。基於過去研究結果常僅指出變數的相關,顯示進行整合性的研究確有重要性。因此本研究即根據過去研究的回顧,推演研究假設與建立研究架構。採用具備方向性的線性結構關係進行模式驗證。確認過去文獻中,工作特性所形成的潛在激勵分數,知覺正義,組織承諾感及組織公民行為之間的影響關係。 考慮到路徑模式為初次發展,為避免受到跨部門與跨公司調查會受到過多的未控制變數干擾,本研究針對具備現場工作,維修流程設計與行政會計支援等等不同性質員工的航太發動機維修部門進行小範圍驗證。另外,施測對象包含外籍員工,故本研究問卷設計包括英文對照。 整合的實證結果顯示1.對於組織公民行為,針對組織以及針對個人的組織公民行為皆受到情感性組織承諾感之影響。2.情感性組織承諾感受到員工知覺工作特性所形成的潛在激勵與知覺分配正義的影響,且以知覺分配正義的影響較大。3.知覺分配正義亦的確會受到知覺程序正義的正向前導影響。 最後,本研究依據此次實證分析結果與所得結論,提出對個案的管理建議與未來研究方向的討論。
ABSTRACT In-role behavior of employees could be managed by the regular behavioral norm, but the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors(OCB)are spontaneous behaviors beyond formal organizational legitimate system, and , in the aggregate, promote effective functioning of the organization. These informal organizational behaviors are not usually captured by traditional job descriptions and thus are more likely to be influenced by employees’ psychological state. In general, the employee who has higher attachment and the Organizational Commitment(OC)to organization will show more OCB. There were also lots of researches indicate that OC has significance influence on OCB. To understand the antecedents of OC, we could pay attention on the purpose of employee to join the organization and their perceived Job Characteristics. According to the Equity Theory, the purpose of employee to be in the organization is to exchange the benefit he doesn’t have, and, furthermore, they will compare with the others to determine the norm of his pay. Perception of unfairness will negatively influence the OC, and also indirectly influence the OCB. By contrast, researcher also had suggested that enrichment of job characteristics could motivate employee and influence OC positively. Hence, this research suggested that to consider the potential motivating of rich Job Characteristics and the perception of Organizational Justice could help predict OCB. In the past, the researches had suggested the relationships of OC and its antecedents (e.g., Job Characteristics and Perception of Organizational Justice) or OC and OCB, but they usually did not test overall measurements entirely and adopt path analysis of the whole construct. So, their research results often only indicated the partial relationships of the constructs. It is important to integrate the related research results, and adopt the path analysis to clarify the causal relationships among the constructs stated above. For this reason, this research accorded to the concepts discussed previously and the past researches being reviewed to set up hypothesis and the framework of the research. Then, this research adopted the two-step procedural analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test the research framework and try to understand the integrated results of path analysis with Job Characteristics, Perception of Organizational Justice, OC, and OCB. Because of the path model is built first time, this research aimed the small samples of aircraft engine maintenance department which has several kinds of employee (e.g., the on-the-spot worker, engineer, employee who is responsible for accounting or general affairs) to avoid too many unconstrained variables. Besides, there are foreign employees whose native language is not the Chinese in the department, so the questionnaire is listed both in Chinese and English. The test of the integrated path model suggested below: 1.OCB toward Organization and OCB toward Individual are indeed affected by the affective OC. 2.The Potential Motivating of Job Characteristics and the perception of Distributive Justice are all significant antecedents of OC, and the effect of perception of Distributive Justice is stronger than Potential Motivating. 3.Perception of Distributive Justice will be affected by the perception of Procedural Justice. Finally, by the analytical results and conclusions, this study suggested severeal managerial implications for the case department and some discussions for future research.
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