Title: 苦難、勞動、關係的建構:北台灣客庄婦女的生命敘事分析
Suffering, Labor and the Construction of Relationships:An Analysis of Life Narratives of Hakka Women in Northern Taiwan
Authors: 宋華敏
Sung, Hua-Min
Lee, Chiao-Hung
Keywords: 客庄婦女;生命經驗;敘事研究;建構論;生命價值;Hakka women;life experience;narrative research;constructivism;vaule of life
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 客家女性的形象在過往歷史的塑造下,形成既定的刻板印象,人們以某些美德特質界定客家女性的形象,那麼在六O年代女性主義崛起後,對客家女性的研究可以如何進行?本研究試圖以社會建構論觀點重新思考客家女性的形象,而長久以來對「事實」、「客觀」、「理性」和「知識」這些一直被人看重的詞語是個挑戰。於是,我們對客家女性的理解也會發生轉變。
1. 從現有關係格局得以開拓出一種新的理解自我的方式,這些客家女性建構出社會關係中的自我概念。
2. 使這些客家女性得以建構出一個新主體並認同,他們也接受這樣的身分並賦予新的意義。
3. 她們建構出第五種勞務—將孝順公婆的特質轉變為一種勞務,並且從盡孝的表現中更加強化自己的新主體身分。
4. 提出了與女性主義所認為父權體制對勞務價值不同的觀感,認為勞務為一種積極人生態度的展現,是一實現自我價值的平台。
5. 展現她們以刻苦耐勞的積極作為迎接生命挑戰的形象。
6. 展現她們孝順揚善的生命價值並且體認自由的價值。
7. 通展現她們勇於追求以使生命更加美好,並在生活的困境中思考良善方案以解決困境的智慧。
Hakka women have long been considered virtuous and obedious owing to the oppression of patriarchal system. The thesis attempts to apply social constructivism and relationship theory to re-examine the image of Hakka women, how they adapt themselves in mainstream discourse and their own understanding of self-identity and self-actualization.
Through narrative research with five elder Hakka women living in Hakka community in HsinChu County, the findings are listed below:
1. Hakka women don’t view themselves as a oppressed group.
2. They construct a new self-identity and find great fullfilllment.
3. They construct the fifth labor--filial piety; they transform taking care of husband’s parents into a new element of their own self-identity.
4. They view labor and the norms set by patriarchal system are a stage for self-actualization.
5. They strain to live a better life even in a restricted society, building solider problem-solving system in order to deal with obstacles in life.
Keywords: Hakka women, life experience, narrative research, constructivism, vaule of life
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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