標題: 濟世與問事:苗栗雲洞宮當代扶鸞活動之研究
Salvation and Folk Therapy : The Study of Flying Phoenix Writing of Touwu Yundong Temple in Miaoli
作者: 徐艾鈴
Hsu, Ai-Ling
Lo, Lieh-Shih
關鍵字: 扶鸞儀式;鸞堂;濟世;問事;靈驗感受;Flying Phoenix Writing;Phoenix Hall;Salvation;Folk Therapy;fulfillment
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究以苗栗雲洞宮為例,透過祭祀圈、地域社會、鸞堂組織、個人宗教心理、宗教態度等討論,觀察記錄當代鸞堂活動的動態發展,探究鸞堂村廟的擴張與興盛。 首先,以田野調查及參與觀察,搜集整理當代雲洞宮宗教活動,發現參與雲洞宮祈福活動之信眾除了早期祭祀圈內的居民外,還有一些信眾是因為扶鸞問事靈驗而參與。在針對雲洞宮之扶鸞儀式流程進行詳細的觀察描述後,發現其仍具傳統性與神聖性,給予雲洞宮鸞生與信眾認同與信任,是以在二十一世紀講求文明的當代仍舊吸引廣大信眾。 同時,透過雲洞宮參與鸞生、信眾的觀察統計與深度訪談,可以知道地緣關係、家族傳承與靈驗感受是鸞生重要參與動機,共同參與神聖扶鸞儀式的進行,凝聚了鸞生對雲洞宮的向心力。在統計分析594例雲洞宮問事個案後,可得到雲洞宮當代問事概況:以生理病痛前來求問者偏多、男女比率平均、求問者與雲洞宮具某種程度之地緣關係、年齡分布較集中於41~60歲。民間宗教的特徵之一是「靈則興」,只要有靈驗感受,就會影響信眾的宗教行為頻率。雲洞宮的扶鸞問事,不但讓信眾感受到靈驗,同時也明確得到神明對信眾的各別指示,此時,若身邊的至親好友也能認同雲洞宮之教義,則更加強化了求問者對雲洞宮的信仰。 除了從雲洞宮的儀典與組織,探討當代鸞堂的發展,本研究藉由扶鸞活動以及鸞生、信眾等個人參與原因進行探討,更細膩地剖析雲洞宮鸞堂問事與廟務擴張現象。
The study is to explore the expansion and flourishing of the Flying Phoenix Writing Village Temple, the Touwu Yundong Temple in Miaoli County, for example. The researcher observes the dynamic developments of the activities of Flying Phoenix Writing in the Village Temple by analyzing personal religious attitudes and religious psychology, and by discussing the local society, the religious sphere and the Flying Phoenix organization. By means of field investigation and participant observation method, the researcher observes contemporary religious activities in Yundong Temple. It is found that not only those who live in the ritual circle but also outsiders who believe in Flying Phoenix Writing Folk Therapy participate in the religious activities for blessings. The process of the Flying Phoenix Writing remains its tradition and sanctity. Nowadays, it appeals a great number of believers whom identify with the Flying Phoenix Writing in the 21st century. According to the data of the observation and depth interviews, it is known that the motives for Flying Phoenix Writing are fulfillment, neighborhood and family heritage. Joining in the process of the Flying Phoenix Writing brings believers’ identification to Yundong Temple. Analyzing 594 cases of the Flying Phoenix Writing Folk Therapy, it reveals that the reason for seeking Flying Phoenix Writing Folk Therapy, for the most part, is to ease the physical pain. Female would seek the Folk Therapy as well as male. The age of the believers is between forty one years old to sixty years old. One of the characteristics of the folk religion is the fulfillment. Once the fulfillment has been felt, it influences the religious practices of the believers. The believers feel the fulfillment of the Flying Phoenix Writing Folk Therapy and gain the indication from gods. Meanwhile, the belief will be confirmed if their relatives and friends also believe the Phoenix Writing. In addition to the rituals and organizations of the Yundong Temple, the researcher explores the activities of the Flying Phoenix Writing and the reasons for participation. The study analyses the expansion and flourishing of the Flying Phoenix Writing in the Village Temple


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