標題: 從本土到國際-趣遊碗的設計與創業歷程
From Local to Global:The Design and Entrepreneurial Process of theTrip View Bowl
作者: 何淑靜
關鍵字: 文化創意產業;設計;創業;資源結合;趣遊碗;Cultural and creative industries;design;entrepreneurship;resource links;Trip View Bowl
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 「趣遊碗」是台灣新創設計師彭喜埶有趣的作品,他將一個地區的文化特色融入魚眼鳥瞰圖中,創作了一系列的產品。我的研究用「文獻分析法」、「深度訪談法」以四個角度來分析五個「趣遊碗」。 研究發現:在「設計理念」上,「趣遊碗」展現人文關懷,結合社會議題,最後走上國際舞台;在「產品發展」上,每個碗的內容、圖畫、包裝或意象,都承載著地方人文,貼近社會脈動,並符合綠色產品包裝;在「資源結合」上,結合了中小企業處、關西鎮民、新故鄉基金會、國家實驗研究院、關西第九聯庄、2011台北世界設計大會和松菸公園催生聯盟等資源;在「行銷推廣」上,運用限量發售、在地化、當地販售、增加曝光機會和善用網路資源等策略;希望「趣遊碗」產品設計及經營發展之成功之道,可以提供其他文化創意產業學習與仿效。
The “Trip View Bowl” is an interesting creation by innovative Taiwanese designer Arty Peng, who integrated regional cultural characteristics into “fish eye” view designs to create a series of products that have won numerous domestic and foreign awards, even winning the 2011 iF Communication Design Award in Germany. This study uses literature analysis and in-depth interview methods to analyze five Trip View Bowls, “Guanxi View Bowl,” “The Bowl of Regeneration,” “The Bowl of Righteousness,” “Design at the Edges,” and “Gashapon,” from four perspectives. The study found that, regarding“design concepts,” Trip View Bowls present humanistic concerns, integrate social issues, and have moved onto the international stage. In “product development,” the content, packaging, and image of every bowl presents local culture, representing the pulse of society; the products also fulfill green packaging requirements. Regarding “resource integration,” the bowls combine governmental, social, and nonprofit organizations. Finally, in “marketing and promotion,” strategies including limited editions, localization, local selling, increasing exposure opportunities, and appropriate use of Internet resources were employed. We hope the product design and successful business development model of the Trip View Bowl can provide references for the emulation of culture and creative industries.


  1. 852101.pdf

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