標題: 網拍女性服飾之經營模式分析: 以東京著衣為例
Online Female Apparel Business Model Analysis: A Case Study of Tokyo Fashion Co.
作者: 林嘉玲
Lin, Chia-Ling
Han, Anthony F.
關鍵字: 網路女性服飾;電子商務;商業模式;東京著衣;Online Female Apparel;E-commerce;Business Model;Tokyo Fashion Co.
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 在現今世界貿易裡電子商務已經變成相當重要的角色,可以說目前所有的企業都伴隨著電子商務。特別是服飾類已成為電子商務最受歡影的類別之一;依據ComScore公佈的數字顯示,服裝及配件類別在2005年成為成長最快速的類別,其消費總額與2004年相比增加了41%。 『東京著衣』 (Tokyo Fashion Corporation),是一間台灣的網路女性服飾公司,2004年一月成立於Yahoo!奇摩拍賣,其評價從2005開始就一直位居Yahoo!奇摩拍賣女性服裝類第一名至現今2012年,且營業額都是每年持續成長。本研究主要是透過Osterwalder 和 Pigneur於2010年所提出的商業模式分析來探討『東京著衣』此女性網路賣家的經營模式並透過問卷調查來探討網路買家對東京著衣的滿意度,進而分析其成功關鍵因素為何,目的為提供給現有的網路賣家及新的創業家一個有用及可行的商業模式。 本研究發現『東京著衣』之主要成功關鍵因素為良好的物流管理和令人滿意的服務,其中包含:快速出貨、退貨便利性、客製化購衣諮詢、0800免付費客服諮詢專線、及商品多樣性。此外,就市場定位來說,『東京著衣』主要是專注於高利潤的客群-上班族,此策略也使『東京著衣』更具競爭力因為上班族擁有較高的消費能力。就管理角度而言,此研究顯示一個企業要想在如此競爭環境中脫穎而出,不僅需要有強大的基礎設施管理,例如:關鍵活動、資源、和合作夥伴,最重要的是需要更加著重於客戶關係和供應鏈的管理。
E-business has come to play an important role in the world trade scenario; there is no business without an accompanying e-business in today’s world. With regard to apparel which has become one of the most popular e-businesses. According to data published by ComScore, apparel & accessories ranked as the fastest growing category in 2005, with a 41% increase versus the previous year (2004). Tokyo Fashion Corporation (東京著衣), an Taiwanese online female apparel seller, was founded in 2004 at Yahoo! Shopping. It has been stayed at the highest ranking at female apparel field Yahoo! Shopping since 2005. This thesis is to analyze the business model of Tokyo Fashion Co. by using the Business Model Canvas developed by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010). The questionnaire explores the online buyers’ satisfaction with Tokyo Fashion Co. and finds out the key success factor of Tokyo Fashion Co. An aim of the study may provide a useful and workable business model for both existing online sellers and new entrepreneurs. The results indicate that the key success factors of Tokyo Fashion Co. would be well-managed logistics and satisfying service, including fast delivery, convenience of return, customized dress-up advice, 0800 free customer service, and variety. In addition, the results implies that the market position of Tokyo Fashion Co. would focus on high margin customer segment, office ladies, which makes Tokyo Fashion Co. more competitive since office ladies are more consumptive. The study implies that a business wants to be outstanding in such competitive environment not only need to have the powerful infrastructure management but also need to emphasize more on the customer relationship and supply chain.
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