Full metadata record
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | 陳和全 | en_US |
dc.contributor.author | 陳武正 | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 2014-12-12T02:02:27Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2014-12-12T02:02:27Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 1981 | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/51600 | - |
dc.description.abstract | 近年來,國家經濟蓬勃發展,隨著國民所得之快速增加,客運需求大量擴增,同時旅客對於服務品質的要求也相對大幅提高。 自高速公路通車及鐵路電氣化後,長途客運市場競爭日劇,加之遊覽車違規營業,社會輿論及各級民意代表一再催促政府儘速開放高速公路予第二家經營等棘手問題衝擊下,台汽必須儘速積極研採各種營運改善措施,有效改進服務品質,提高服務水準,建立起社會民眾之信心。 本研究係經由旅客傾向問卷調查,獲得內陸長途客運搭乘者對各車種之產品印象及選搭偏好,根據此項分析結果,可瞭解長途客運市場中各車種營運成敗之因素以及潛在需求量之概況。 研究的過程歷經國內長途客運資料之蒐集、運輸市場界定、台汽運量趨勢分析及旅客意願傾向問卷調查實施與處理、電子計算機之統計分析等工作,實際瞭解現有城際客運市場旅客之需求傾向及台汽現有各種營運措施之成效。 統計分析使用之方法包括有百分比法、總加量表法、加權平均法、列聯表獨立性檢定、變異數分析及因子分析等。 經過以上分析結果,可得知旅客在選搭車種時,認為最重要的考慮因素依序為安全性、購買方便性、行車時間、誤點狀況、行車平穩性及班次多寡;認為最不重要的考慮因素有末班車時間、剪票至上車時間與頭班車時間。 在選搭車種偏好方面依序是國光號、莒光號、自強號、中興號、復興號、對號快、代國光號、代中興號。在對其搭乘車種各因素之滿意程度情形是國光號以其服務態度、行車平穩性、安全性、車上服務、座位舒適等因素深受乘客喜愛;而中興號是以停站次數及班次多寡兩因素為其競爭優點,但在車上設備及車上服務方面有待更進一步之改善。 台汽營運策略應朝迅速解決租車問題,配合資訊系統建立行車時表安排、車輛人員調度、售票服務系統,及站場設施之合理規劃,車輛汰舊換新標準訂定等方面進行,期能維持高水準之服務品質,滿足社會大眾「行」之需求。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | In recent years due to the rapid growth of national economy and personal income, the passenger's requests to the transportation quality are relatively increased. In addition, the competition of transportation market has been very keen since the opening to public of the South-North freeway in 1978. Hence the Taiwan Motor Transportation Company must take the necessary and effective actions to improve the service quality, to increase the service standard, and finally to get the passengers' trust. The require datas in this study are gathered through an elaborated questionaire. Upon the analysis from the datas, we may find the factors which influence the business profit in a transportation company. The course of this study includes the following steps: (1) To collect necessary informations. (2) To determine the boundary of transportation market. (3) To develop the necessary questionairc (4) To analyze datas through computers (5) To make final conclusions and suggestions. Through the statistical analysis, some conclusions can be made definitely. In the aspact of selecting a vehicle to take: passengers think that the most important factor is the safety of a vehicle and the other important factors are the convenience of buying a ticket, the lateness of a vehicle, the comfort of a vehicle and the duration between two issues. In the aspect of the favorite tendency: passengers think that Kuo-Kuang Express is the best one, the other favorite vehicles are Chu-Kuang Limited Express, Tze-Chiang Limited Express, Chung-Hsing Express, Fu-Hsing Limited Express, Limit Express, Substituted Kuo-Kuang Express, Substituted Chung-Hsing Express. The Kuo-Kuang Express is well known by its service quality, comfort, Safety while Chung-Hsing Express is only reconized by its more stopping frequencies and its short-time interval issue. The managing strategies of the Taiwan Motor Transportation Company are, first, to solve the car-rental problem and then to develop the information system for ticket services, time scheduling arrangements, and vehicle dispatches so as to increase the service quality of passenger transportation and furthermore satisfy the needs of our society. | en_US |
dc.language.iso | zh_TW | en_US |
dc.subject | 台汽 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 營運 | zh_TW |
dc.title | 台汽旅客傾向與營運改善之研究 | zh_TW |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |
dc.contributor.department | 運輸與物流管理學系 | zh_TW |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |