標題: 無塵室化學濾材開發改良研究
Study of Coating Materials on Chemical Filters for Cleanroom Environment
作者: 洪益凱
Yi Kai Hung
Hsunling Bai
關鍵字: 化學濾材;無塵室;塗敷;吸附;空降污染物;高科技產業;Chemical Filter;Clean Room;Coating;Adsorption;Airborne Molecule Contamination;TFT-LCD;Semiconductor
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 化學濾材之品質及其使用壽命為影響半導體及光電 (TFT-LCD) 等高科技產業選擇濾材之主要關鍵,有鑑於此,如何生產高品質、低成本、有效使用壽命長之化學濾材,成為化學濾材製造供應商之迫切課題。本研究主要目的為進行化學濾材 (Chemical filter) 之塗敷改質工作,以提高濾材之處理效率或吸附容量,進行測試之空氣污染物包括硫化氫 (H2S)、二氧化硫 (SO2) 及 氨氣 (NH3) 三種氣體,採用之方法為酸鹼中和法。研究項目包括空白化學濾材與塗覆化學藥劑之化學濾材之基本功能測試與材質分析比較,進而瞭解塗敷化學藥劑後之化學濾材是否能因其化學吸收能力增加,進而達到降低進入無塵室中之污染物質濃度之目的,或是因此可延伸其濾材使用壽命。 就已進行之濾材實際測試比較來看,不同材質之濾材對於污染氣體之吸附量差異甚大,目前測試顯示活性碳濾材塗敷效果較陶瓷濾材為佳;而對污染氣體的處理效率及使用壽命而言,本研究所開發之活性碳化學塗敷濾材於處理 H2S 及 SO2 之表現均可較商業化陶瓷濾材 (TIOS-A) 為佳。對活性碳濾材而言,目前最佳之塗敷物質為以塗敷50 wt.% 氫氧化鈉 (NaOH) 來處理 H2S,以及以塗敷50 wt.% 碳酸鉀 (K2CO3) 來處理 SO2可得最佳之處理效率;然而因碳酸鉀處理 H2S 之效果較不佳,相對的氫氧化鈉處理 SO2 之效果不若商用濾材,因此若要同時處理 SO2 與 H2S,且得到優於 TIOS-A 商用濾材之表現時,建議應使用50 wt.% 氫氧化鉀 (KOH) 作為塗敷物質。
The quality of chemical filter in terms of high pollutant removal efficiency and its lifetime are the main factors for choosing the right product. Therefore it is important to produce high quality products with high efficiency as well as long lifetime for the chemical filter manufactures. The main goal of this study is to modify the chemical properties of chemical filter by coating process. The new developed filter should be able to reach a better quality of efficiency or a higher absorption capacity. So by acid-alkali reactions the three air pollutants, H2S, SO2 and NH3, can be effectively removed to reduce the airborne molecular contamination problem in the clean room of semiconductor and optoelectronic industries. The performances of blank chemical filter and coated chemical filter are compared in this study. The test results indicated that different blank filters and different coating materials lead to different absorption capacity and efficiencies. It shows that the absorption performance of blank activated carbon filter is better than that of honeycombed ceramic filter. And as coated the activated carbon filters with alkaline materials, it can treat H2S and SO2 better than the commercial honeycombed filter (TIOS-A). The best coating materials appear to be 50% wt. NaOH for treating H2S and 50% wt. K2CO3 for treating SO2. If the filters are to treat SO2 and H2S simultaneously, then this study suggests the coating material of 50% wt. KOH for achieving better performance than the commercial TIOS-A chemical filter.
Appears in Collections:Thesis