標題: 有效減少通訊回合數且向前安全的會議金鑰建立協定
Round-Efficient Conference Key Agreement Protocols with Forward Secrecy
作者: 李振魁
Chen-Kuei Lee
Wen-Guey Tzeng
關鍵字: 會議金鑰;有效減少回合數;向前安全;Conference Key;Round-efficient;Forward-secure
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 當一群使用者想要在公開的網路上安全的召開會議、傳送訊息時,他們需要一把共享的金鑰來對所傳送的訊息加密,以免遭到竊聽。而會議金鑰建立協定,就是用來建立此一共享金鑰的方法。
A conference key agreement protocol allows a group of participants to establish a common secret key distributively, such that all their communications afterward are encrypted by the key. By this way, the participants can communicate securely over an open network. We propose two provably forward secure conference key agreement protocols under the broadcast channel model. Also, we prove its security under the Bellare-Rogaway model. The adversary that attacks our protocols can be either passive or active. A passive adversary tries to learn the conference key by listening to the communication of participants, while an active adversary tries to impersonate as a legal participant or disrupt conference key establishment among the honest participants. Further, in our protocol, we would like to focus on both round efficiency and forward secrecy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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