標題: 人壽保險與產物保險產業績效與風險之實證研究
Returns versus Risks:An Empirical Study of Taiwan's Life Insurance and Property Insurance Industries
作者: 曾珮婷
Pei-Ting Tsen
Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 人壽保險產業;產物保險產業;績效;風險;組織-行為-績效理論;Life insurance industry;Property insurance industry;Return;Risk;Structure-Conduct-Performance theory
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本研究以人壽保險與產物保險產業為研究對象,運用組織-行為-績效理論架構、輔以專家訪談,探討影響壽險市場與產險市場之經營績效與風險的主要因素。樣本期間為2000年至2002年,研究方法採用矩陣分析以及假說檢定。 研究結果顯示壽險業之ROA、ROE、ROS呈現高績效低風險之特殊現象,但其營收成長率則否;產險業之ROA與ROE也呈現高績效低風險之結果,然其ROS、營收成長率卻呈現高績效高風險。此外,壽險業之前幾大公司已進入穩定成長的階段,營收成長率不高但相對穩健;市佔率較低的保險公司因營收的基期較小,故營收成長率偏高,且風險較大。 假說檢定結果顯示成立時間、資產規模、業務員人數、公司知名度以及市場佔有率等因素對於壽險公司整體表現具有重要的影響,但對產險業的影響卻不大。金融控股公司對壽險公司與產險公司之績效與風險的影響不明顯,保險公司在策略聯盟或交叉持股進行異業聯盟的經營策略下,亦有相當的市場競爭優勢。
Life insurance and property insurance industries are the objects of this study, which is based on the Structure-Conduct-Performance theoretic framework, as well as expert interviews to explore key factors influencing returns and risks. The sampling period is from 2000 to 2002. Matrix analysis and hypothesis tests are utilized. The result shows that ROA、ROE and ROS in the life insurance industry have high returns and low risks, except for grows rate. ROA and ROE in the property industry also have high returns and low risk, except for ROS and grows rate. In addition, several big life insurance companies have entered the stable growth stage with stable but not high rates. In contrast, because of smaller base period, insurance companies with lower market share have higher earning growth rate as well as higher risk. The hypothesis tests show that many factors such as establishment time, property scale, sales force, company well-knownness as well as market share are important to the operations in the life insurance industry, but their impact to the property industry are not actually significant. The Financial Holdings Company doesn’t create immediate advantages in the life insurance and property insurance industries. Nevertheless, insurance companies taking strategy alliance have relative advantages over competitors.


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