標題: 性別組成對衝突處理的影響
The Effects of Gender Composition on Conflict Resolution
作者: 林小鳳
Hsiao-Feng Lin
Yau-De Wang
Ruey-Yun Horng
關鍵字: 性別組成;關係衝突;衝突處理;兩難困境;性別差異;gender composition;relational conflict;conflict resolution;dilemma;gender difference
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本研究的目的探討在兩人的衝突情境中,當事人的性別組成(男男,男女,女女)對衝突處理的影響。97名交通大學的學生被隨機分派至不同性別組成的衝突情境中,以角色扮演方式從事衝突處理的作業。受試者處理衝突的策略被分為整合、妥協、支配及迴避等四種類型,研究發現男性與女性在個人單獨擬定衝突解決方案時並無太大的差異。但是在兩人面對面處理衝突的時候,在男女組合的衝突處理情境可得到較多整合及妥協的解決方案,但多數情況是女性退讓以成全男性,而男男組合則出現較多的雙輸結果。事後每個人對衝突的過程中自己的理性程度與合作傾向、求勝的企圖以及是否公平對待對方這三方面的衡量,不同性別組成間並無顯著差異;但在對對方衝突處理過程中行為的評量,結果發現男男組合的受試者認為對手的理性程度和合作傾向較低,以及對手的求勝企圖較高,則男女組合與女女組合在這三個因素下無顯著差異;另一方面,在男男組合的衝突情境中,男性對自己的談判策略滿意以及對結果的滿意程度較低,與男女組合及女女組合有顯著差異。男性在男男組合情境中和男女組合情境中對對手的評量有顯著差異,男性對對手(男性)其理性合作程度的評量較對手是女性時為低,而評量對手(男性)的求勝企圖時卻是高於對手是女性時。
Ninety-seven college students participated in the study to investigate the effects of gender composition on conflict resolution. They were randomly paired into male-male, male-female, or female-female dyads and were asked to role-play in a business conflict scenario. Participants’ conflict resolutions, working individually at planning phase or face-to-face in dyads, were classified as integrating, compromising, dominating, or avoiding. Results showed that there is no significant difference in proposed conflict resolution strategies between genders in the planning phase. However, when participants came face-to-face with their opponents of different genders, chances for integrating and compromising solutions were higher for male-female groups than the groups of the same gender. Interestingly, in the compromising solutions, it was most likely that it was the females who made concessions for their male opponents. In addition, the affective reaction of male-male group to their opponents was the worst. After the conflict resolution session was over, there was no significant difference among different gender composition groups in terms of participants’ evaluation of their own behaviors in the conflict situation. But participants in male-male group gave more negative evaluation of their opponents’ behavior than other two groups. Males evaluated their female opponents more positively and regarded the resolution more favorably than their male opponents.


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