Title: 不飽和聚酯樹脂/波特蘭水泥複合材料之研究
Study on Unsaturated Polyester/Portland Cement Composite
Authors: 許克宏
Ker-Hong Hsu
Chen-Chung Lin
Keywords: 不飽和聚酯樹脂、化學鍵結劑、水合作用;Unsaturated Polyester Resin, Chemically bonded agent, Hydration
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 以水泥、砂、不飽和聚酯樹脂和水,或不含水,而製得的一種複合材料
。 此種有機物/無機物複合材料,呈有化學鍵結的高強度、快速硬化之性
能。例如在適宜的配比下,具超過 100MPa的抗壓強度,30MPa 的抗彎強
A composite, a kind of polymer portland cement concrete(
PPCC) consisted of cement, sand and unsaturated
polyester either with or without water, was studied as
chemically bonded high strength, fast setting cementitious
material. The composite developed under the apprepriate
formulation can attain a high compressive strength of over
100MPa and a flexural strength of about 30MPa, which are
more than 5 times stronger than normal concrete of 20MPa for
compressive strength and 5MPa for flexural strength. This ne w
cementitious material attains about 50% of strength in one
hour and about 80% of strength in 24 hours at the room
temperature. It is found that strength development of the
material depends on the amounts of cement, sand, resin kind
as well as water. From kinetic analysis, It is concluded
that cement is not only a filler but also acts as chemically
bonded agent through the matrix of cementitious materials.
The mechanism of the strength development is not according
to the hydration of the normal concrete, but to the
polymerization of unsaturated polyester resin and the
interaction between resin and cement as well.
Appears in Collections:Thesis