Title: 薄氧化層金氧半電晶體閘極引致汲極漏電流之測量與模擬
Charaterization and Modeling of Gate-Induced Drain Leakage Current in Thin Oxide MOSFET
Authors: 李一龍
E-Long Lee
Ming-Jer chen
Keywords: 閘極引致汲極漏電流; 金氧半電晶體; 能帶間穿透...;Gate-Induced Drain Leakage Current (GIDL); MOSFET; band-to-band-tunneling
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 近年來由於金氧半技術演進導致在閘極至汲極重疊區域下電場強度增強。 因此,由閘極引致的汲極漏電流 ( GIDL ) 將主導薄氧層金氧半電晶體之 汲極漏電流。在本篇論文將提出在模擬預測p型金氧半電晶體的 GIDL 電 流並同時考慮基座接地之閘極電流時消除不確定因素的新方法。能帶間穿 透物理模式參數值可由閘極電壓掃瞄及汲極電壓掃瞄的實驗結果來正確調 整。此法可消除在決定參數值的不確定因素,因此正確的 GIDL 模擬預測 便可獲得。更甚者,由能帶間穿透所引致的熱電子射入氧化層導致的閘電 流其預估結果已獲實驗數據支持。 Recent developments in MOS technologies, have led to an increase in electric field strength in the gate-to-drain overlap region. Therefore, the gate-induced drain leakage current (GIDL) by the gate-induced surface electric field will dominate the drain leakage in off-state thin oxide MOSFETs. In this thesis we present a new way for eliminating the uncertainties in modeling the GIDL current in p-MOSFET's by simultaneously accounting for the gate current measured with the bulk (n-well) ground. The paramter values in the physical model for band-to-band tunneling have been correctly adjusted to simultaneously reproduce two experimental results: (i) the GIDL current as function of gate voltage; and (ii) the GIDL current as function of drain voltage. This way can eliminate some uncertainties in determining the parameter values and thus the accurate modeling of the GIDL current current can be achieved. Moreover, the predicted gate currents due to the band-to- band-tunneling-induced hot electron injection into the oxide have been confirmed by experimented data as function of gate and drain voltages.
Appears in Collections:Thesis