Title: 封裝微帶線及共面波導不連續結構之線方法全波分析
Full-Wave Analysis of Shielded Microstrip and Coplanar- Waveguide Discontinuities By the Method of Lines
Authors: 程敦睿
Tun-Ruey Chrang
Shyh-Jong Chung
Keywords: 封裝;微帶線;共面波導;線方法;;Shielded;Microstrip;Coplanar-Waveguide;the Method of Lines
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 本論文旨是在利用非等距線方法(the method of lines with nonequidistant discretization)分析封裝微帶線及共面波導不連續結構 之散射問題。目前用線方法分析此類問題,至少需要兩次運算方能求出反 射係數及穿透係數,使得計算時間浪費甚多。本文針對此缺點提出一種新 的方法來處理輸入端及輸出端的邊界條件。利用此法,吾人只需一次的運 算便可以同時解出反射係數及穿透係數。此法的正確性在文中己有驗証。 利用本文所提方法,吾人分析並比較多種封裝微帶線及共面波導的不連續 問題,包括間隙不連續結構(gap discontinuities),偶合結構,步階不連續 結構(step discontinuities),雙步階不連續構(double steps),斷路結 構,殘段微帶線(stub microstrip)結構等等。 A three-dimensional analysis using the method of lines with nonequidistant discretization is described to investigate the discontinuities in shielded microstrip and coplanar waveguide. An extended approach concerning the treatment of the boundary conditions at input and output ports is proposed in which the reflection and transmission coefficients can be directively obtained in a single calculation. The validity and convergence of the numerical results are checked and gaps of microstrips and coplanar waveguides with various shapes are analyzed and compared. Finally, the resanant phenonmenon of the stub microstrip is investigated and the frequency response of a simple step discontinuitiy of the coplanar waveguide is calculated.
Appears in Collections:Thesis