Title: 台灣中小型製造業E化系統之探討與實作
The Study and Implementation of An Electronic System for Small and Medium Size Manufacturing Enterprises in Taiwan
Authors: 蘇尹達
Yin-Ta Su
Der-Baau Perng
Keywords: e化系統;電子商務;ERP;Electronic system;e-commerce;ERP
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 傳統中小企業由於人力、財務資源較為不足,部門內的作業大都還是利用獨立的資訊系統處理,而部門與部門之間的資訊傳遞仍然以傳統之紙本、人力作業為主,不僅緩慢無效率且容易發生錯誤。且由於各個中小企業的內部流程皆有其獨特做法,市面上的套裝軟體尚無法滿足各中小企業的特殊需求,因此極需要一套特殊設計的E化系統來配合傳統中小企業之作業流程。
本研究主要探討傳統企業如何在電子化的環境中,有效整合各種營運作業與管理活動,並能執行企業策略、展現電子化企業應有的優勢與價值。而在「台灣中小型製造業E化系統之探討與實作」的案例中,本研究將中小型製造業需求最殷切的E化系統分為客戶線上訂單、共用、業務、工程、物料與採購等六大模組,以ASP撰寫,並結合後端資料庫系統MS SQL,以Web介面的方式呈現。
Because the lack of man power and financial resources for traditional small and medium size enterprise (SME), most operations in separate department are processed by using independent information system. But the information transmission between departments still resorts to hardcopy and people. It not only will slow down the process but also will make mistakes. Furthermore, each SME has its own operational procedure; general commercial package cannot provide a cost-effective electronic system to satisfy the requirement of the SME.
This study focused on analyzing how traditional SMEs can integrate their business rule and management philosophy into an electronic environment. The following fundamental modules of electronic ordering, common database and utilities, marketing, engineering, inventory, and procurement were considered in the proposed electronic system. The system was implemented by using the ASP language. It was also designed to integrate with MY SQL data base system, and was to be performed in the Web form.
This system aimed to construct a mechanism that can integrate a set of information processing modules that scattered in the enterprise. It also intended to shorten the operation time, reduce the man-made mistakes. That is, this research was to provide the traditional small and medium size manufacturing industry a cost-effective electronic system to increase its operational efficiency competitiveness.
Appears in Collections:Thesis