Title: 半導體廠綁機情境下之投料與派工
Releasing and Dispatching with Machine-Dedication Characteristics in a Semiconductor Fab
Authors: 張永政
Keywords: 綁機;達交率;machine-dedication;hit rate
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 本研究探討綁機情境下,投料與派工對半導體廠的影響。黃氏在2003年提出一個適合此情境的派工方法,其績效雖然良好卻缺乏廣泛的驗證。本研究以模擬的方式,比較黃氏和其他以往文獻上的派工方法,並以達交率作為主要的績效指標。結果顯示黃氏的派工方法確實勝過以往的派工法則。另外,在黃氏的方法中,投料是固定採均勻投料的方式,本研究以封閉投料方式中的WR法則替代,瞭解是否能達到更好的績效。結果顯示這樣的修改只能得到些微的改進。也就是說,在綁機情境下,派工對系統績效影響大過於投料。
This thesis investigates the releasing and dispatching rules for a semiconductor fab with machine-dedication characteristics. Huang in 2003 has proposed a dispatching algorithm for such a scenario, which seems to be promising but was not well justified. This research extensively compare Huang’s algorithm with some other methods in literature by simulation, where the performance measure is hit-rate (on-time delivery rate). Experiment results show that Huang’s dispatching algorithm indeed outperforms most previous dispatching methods. Since uniform releasing policy was used In Huang’s algorithm, we replace it by WR (workload regulation) policy to see if better performance can be achieved. By simulation experiments, such a modification causes relatively little improvements. That is, dispatching policy seems to be more important than releasing policy in such a machine-dedication scenario.
Appears in Collections:Thesis