標題: 城際道路興建型式對土地使用衝擊影響之研究
The Study on Land-Use Impacts for Intercity Road Types
作者: 呂紹霖
Shou-Lin Leu
Shei-Wei Wu
關鍵字: 土地使用;衝擊;可及性  ;Land-Use;Impact;Accessibility
公開日期: 1993
摘要:   城際道路的興建會改變沿線地區可及性及易行性,也會對土地使用產 生若干程度的衝擊影響,但其影響程度隨著道路興建型式的不同而有所不 同,因此,本研究將藉由興建型式的種類,探討比較各型式道路可及性的 改變情形,進而預測由於可及性的改變,其對於沿線土地使用的衝擊影響 程度。而在道路型式種類上,本研究則以立體(以交流道進出)、混合( 部分立體,部分平面)兩者比較分析之。本研究嘗試以統計方法建立模式 ,首先回顧有關交通運輸衝擊方面的研究,分析影響土地使用的各項因素 ,再歸納整理已有相關可及性的研究,從中找尋適合本研究的研究方法, 然後構建土地衝擊預測模式。鑑於土地使用與交通運輸間乃一雙向互動關 係,因此本研究所構建的模式為一因變數與自變數相互解釋的聯立方程組 ,透過二段最小平方法的校估過程與GINO軟體的求解,以比較出兩型式道 路對土地使用的衝擊影響。經由本研究的結果一方面可了解道路興建型式 的不同對於沿線地區土地使用有何差異性,另一方面亦可作為道路規劃者 評估方案的重要依據。由台灣地區西部濱海快速道路實証研究結果得知, 兩不同型式(立體、混合)道路的可及性比較,以混合型式帶給沿線的可 及性較大,且以立體交叉改為平面交叉的部分變化程度最大。對土地使用 的衝擊影響,混合型式的道路對於沿線商業用地的發展有較大的助益,其 它各類土地使用(住宅、工業、農業)則不如立體型式的道路來的有較大 的發展潛力。 The build of the intercity roads will change the acce- ssibility and mobility of the area along the road . It also provides impacts on the land-use . However, the level of impacts will be different by different road types. This study will compare the land-use impact, and the changes of accessibility and mobility with respect to road types. Analyses will be made from two aspects: grade seperation (in- out through interchange) and compound (partly grade seperation, partly at grade seperation). The proposed study will use statistical approach to develop suitable models. First, we will conduct a literature review. Then we will construct the forecast model of land-use. The model we construct is a simult- aneous , because of relationship between land-use and transportation are interaction. It would be calibrated by 2SLS (Two Stage Least Square) and solved by GINO in order to compare the impacts of two types of road eff- ecting land-use. Through the result of this research , we will realize how the different road types cause the land-use along the roads. It could also be used by the planners in the evaluation of alternatives. This model was applied to west-side Express Way in Taiwan,the result of this study show that the compound road was found to has the larger accessibility than the grade seperation road. In addition, the compound roads could result in larger positive impacts on the development of commerical land-use along the roads; on the other hand, the other land-use, such as residential , industrial and agricultural land-use , could have the larger potential development along the grade seperation roads.