標題: 場效發射顯示器驅動積體電路之設計
The Driver IC Design for Feild Emission Display
作者: 盧志文
Chih-Wen Lu
李崇仁, 黃中垚
Chung-Len Lee, Jung Y. Huang
關鍵字: 場效發射顯示器, 驅動電路, 電壓控制電流源, 電流複製器, 時序饋通 ,;FED, Driver Circuit, Voltage-controlled current source, current copier, clock feedthrough
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 我們設計了兩種場效發射顯示器(FED)驅動電路, 一為電壓控制電流源適 合用在off-chip IC, 另一為電流複製器適合用在 on-chip IC上, 這兩種 電路可克服FED的不穩定性.電壓控制電流源可以精確地控制發射電流由可 變電阻及電流鏡 (current mirror)所組成, 使用這種驅動電路, 發射電 流之頻率響應幾乎跟FED 的內部電容無關; 灰階(gray level)控制可以用 振幅調變方法(amplitude modulation); 對比度可用電壓控制.電流複製 器不需匹配很好的元件, 可以做在on-chip IC上. 分析複製器的時序饋 通(clock feedthrough) 現象, 我們得到一些和一般開關電路(switch circuit)不同的結果. 複製電晶體的閘極到汲極電容有時序電流複製器. 本論文亦提出on-chip IC的驅動系統 . Two driver circuits , one is the voltage-controlled current source suitable for the off-chip operation and one is the current copier suitable for the on-chip operation , for Feild Emission Display ( FED ) have been designed and studied in this thesis. The proposed current source driver circuit can overcome the unstable characteristic of FED . The voltage- controlled current source is composed of a variable resistor and a current mirror which can accurately control the emission current . The emission current response is nearly independent of the large gate- cathode capacitance (typically 5pF) of FED. The gray level can be implemented by the amplitude modulation . The brightness contrast can be adjusted by varying the bias voltage. The current copier makes practical current copies without the need for accurately matched components for the on-chip FED driver . An analysis of the clock feedthrough in this circuit has been made . Several results which are different from the general switch circuits are obtained. A clock feedthrough compensated current copier by using the compensating effect of the gate- drain overlap capacitance has been designed and the addressing for the on-chip driver IC by utilizing this circuit has also been proposed .