標題: 以商用光碟機做為磁光型光碟片的位元錯誤率檢測器之研究
Constructing a Magneto-Optical Disk Byte-Error-Rate Tester Using MO Driver
作者: 鄭冠生
Guann-Sheng Jeng
Han-Ping Shieh
關鍵字: 商用光碟機,光碟片,位元錯誤率;MO driver,MO disk,byte-error-rate
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 本文的目的是研究商用光碟機應用在光碟片位元錯誤率檢測的可能性.根 據對3.5吋光碟片以及光碟機的瞭解,我們架設了一套光碟片測試系統.對 於測試系統的功能及性能, 包括光碟片測試結果, 測試系統的效率及最佳 化的系統架構, 均有詳細的解說及分析, 也得到了單次讀寫資料區的數目 愈大, 系統的效率愈好的結論, 而且從實驗的結果, 也證實了這個結論. 我們也預測了最佳成本效益的系統架構, 可以作為實際系統架設的參考. According to the knowledge of magneto-optical ( MO ) disk and driver,we set up a system of byte-error-rate tester of MO disk. The investigration on the function and performance of the system,including the results of testing,the efficacy of the system and the better structure of the system,were performed.We get a result that a better system must choose a big testing region in one read/write procedure.This result is proved in the experiment. We also anticipate the structure of a good profit system. It can be a consultation in real application.
Appears in Collections:Thesis