Title: | 目標導向研發專案評估方法研究 Measuring the Performance of Objective-Oriented R&D Project |
Authors: | 莊明山 Chuang Ming Shan 袁建中 Benjamin 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 目標導向;子項評估;分項評估;整體評估;objective-oriented;assessment of sub-project;assessment of project;assessment of the whole program |
Issue Date: | 1993 |
Abstract: | 本研究深入探討相關的研發成果績效評估理論及方法,廣泛地收集及分析 各國科技研發專案成果績效評估制度之現況、特性及優缺點,並以個案的 方式針對經濟部某單位之研發專案計畫現行成果評估作業的現況、特性及 相關單位( 執行單位及評審專家 )的意見進行調查,嚐試經由對個案的深 入檢討,配合相關的理論基礎,研訂出一套有效之目標導向研發專案計畫 年度成果績效評估模式。本研究經由文獻的探討以獲得理論的基礎,並以 問卷調查的方式獲得個案中相關單位對目前評估方法之意見及評估要項的 權重,配合研發成果績效評估方法論的分析,形成年度成果評估模式架構 ,最後提出年度成果評估模式。模式中包括三個評估層次:子項評估、分 項評估及整體評估,針對每一個層次評估內容及方式,本研究皆有詳細的 說明,並且對子項計畫的評估要項、要因及權重進行詳細的設計。最後並 以個案研究對象八十二年度之研發成果資料,對子項及分項之定量評估部 份予以進一步的說明。 This research studies the developed countries' systems of R&D project and the related theories of performance assessment. It chooses one of the R&D program under the Ministry of Econo- mics as a case study to understand the performance assessment system of R&D project in Taiwan. The result of this research has developed a model of per- formance assessment that includes three levels; first, the assessment of sub-projects; second, the assessment of projects ; third, the assessment of the whole program. This research has introduced the processes and contents of the developed three levels' assessment in detail. Furthermore , it designs the factors of performance assessment and their weights for the sub-project. Data Envelopement Analysis has been used to identify the relative efficiency and resource allocation of sub-projects. The business policy and strategy will be the main factors of the performance assessment in the level of the whole program. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/57709 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |