標題: 互動式多媒體CAI設計之研究:以發展色彩學課程軟體雛型為例
The Design and Development of interactive Multimedia CAI:A Case of the Color Courseware
作者: 林純純
Chun-Chun Lin
Chien Chou, Ph.D.
關鍵字: 互動式;多媒體;電腦輔助教學;使用者界面設計;Interactivity, Multimedia, Computer-Assisted Instruction
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 由於電腦科技的不斷精進,傳統的 CAI 逐漸演進為"多媒體 CAI" ( Multi-media Computer-Assisted Instruction; MMCAI )。多媒體 CAI 是整合各種媒體:文字、圖形、聲音、動畫、影像等以傳達課程教材內容 的工作環境與方式。多媒體 CAI可在純文字資料外,提供動畫圖片或視訊 來解說概念、展示範例,不但使教學效果更佳,且更能引起學生學習興趣 ,提高學習動機。本文主張多媒體 CAI在發展時,必須將互動的功能設計 在教學系統中,而且必須整合、應用教學設計、教學訊息設計、使用者界 面設計等三類原理。其目的,無非是使學習者與電腦之間達到良好的溝通 效果以完成"教"與"學"的工作。本文除了探討多媒體 CAI 之教學設計基 礎理論、互動性概念的應用、教學訊息設計與使用者界面設計外,也實際 發展一色彩學課程的互動式多媒體 CAI的雛型系統,以印證上述的理論與 製作發展原則,且對此雛型系統進行形成性評估最後則是提供發展多媒體 CAI 之經驗與建議。 Due to advanced in computer technology, traditional CAIis evloving into Multimedia CAI (Multimedia Computer-Assisted Instruction, MMCAI). Integrating several types of media -- text, sounds, video, graphics, and animation, MMCAI constructs a new learning environment, and creates new ways to deliver instructional materials. With its inherent attribute of "inter- activity", MMCAI can highly involve students in the process of teaching and learning. Therefore, MMCAI may enhance students' motivation to learn and thus improve learning efficiency. This study discusses the theoretical foundation of MMCAI development, including the theories of learning, instructional design, message design, and user interface design. In order to practice these theories, a prototype of the Color courseware was developed. The development is divided into 4 phases: analysis, design, production, and evaluation. At the end of this study, conclusions are drawn and suggestions are provided for future MMCAI research.