Title: 永續經營理念與人力選訓用留之管理模式應用於金融產業研究
A study on the human resource management for financial industry
Authors: 謝松益
Hsieh, Sung-Yi
Liang, Shing-Ko
Keywords: 人力資源管理;金融產業;模糊理論;永續經營;永續發展;生命力;Human resource management;Financial industry;Fuzzy Delphi method;Sustainable development;Vitality Index
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 本研究以永續經營理念應用於金融產業之人力資源管理,透過選訓用留之管理糢式建立職能、配適、獎酬指標,作為決策及評估依據。金融產業為服務業之一環,而金融產業是以人為本的產業。金融產業之永續經營關鍵在人力資源之運用。本研究採取模糊德菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method,簡稱FDM)來分析及建構金融產業人力選訓用留之管理模式。主要研究結果有三: 1.建構職能指標協助人力甄選訓練之評估,並利用該指標進行改善人力之素質。 2.建構配適指標協助人力任用之評估,並利用該指標進行海外人力派遣,以提昇金融產業永續發展生存能力。 3.建構獎酬指標協助留升人力之評估,並利用該指標協助金融產業建立適當激勵誘因,留住提昇人才。
This research is based on the concept of sustainability to develop a model for human resource management in financial industry. There are three indexes help for the decision making of human resource management: talent index, assignment index and reward index. The management of human resource play a key role for financial service industry. The sustainable development is the most important concept for human resource management. For the nature of uncertainty with human resource management, the fuzzy Delphi method(FDM) be used in this model to develop the structure of managerial decision. The three main managerial indexes in this research are: 1.Develop a talent index to evaluate the training performance and to improve the personnel capability. 2.Develop a assignment index to evaluate the best person for the specified position. 3.Develop a reward index to motivate the people for financial industry. The empirical applications of this model in training evaluation, overseas job assignment and reward management show that it is useful to the development of vitality model with sustainable development for human resource management.
Appears in Collections:Thesis