標題: 工作動機、工作滿意與工作績效之關聯性研究-以半導體產業人力資源管理人員為例
A Study on the Correlation among Job Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance - Research on HR Management in Semiconductor Industry
作者: 張致中
關鍵字: 工作動機;工作滿意;工作績效;半導體產業;人力資源管理;Job Motivation;Job Satisfaction;Job Performance;Semiconductor Industry;Human Resources (HR) Management
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 隨著資訊科技的發展與交通運輸的便捷,全球化競爭愈來愈激烈,產業結構由勞力密集轉為知識密集,全球經濟已逐漸發展為以「知識累積和創新」作為促進經濟成長的主要動力之經濟型態。知識更逐漸取代機器設備、資金、原料與勞力,成為企業經營最重要的生產要素,”人”-自然成為企業當中最重要的資產,故如何有效獲致與運用人才,成為現今企業最重要的課題。 在我國產業升級的過程當中,半導體產業早已成為生產結構的重心,可由歷年來的經濟統計數據顯示出,且證明其在我國經濟發展的重要性。從國內的各項產業分析看來,半導體產業在未來幾年仍將是當紅的明星產業之一。 展望未來,人力資源管理從業人員必是一群影響企業走向的人,更是攸關企業在多變的大環境下能否生存的關鍵因素,若能透過客觀的研究訪查與合理的數字解析,以瞭解人力資源管理從業人員的工作動機、工作滿意與工作績效間的關聯性,對於企業將來在人力資源的管理上應有莫大的助益。 本研究之主要目的:探討半導體產業人力資源管理從業人員其工作動機、工作滿意與工作績效之關聯性,研究結果顯示,三個研究變項間係具有其相關性。藉此研究結果,希望提供半導體產業將來做為甄選晉用與管理此類人員的參考依據,進而也透過這些經篩選過的人力資源管理從業人員,為企業延攬與管理珍貴的人力資產。
Following the development of information technology and the increased facility for transportation, global competition has become increasingly heated. Industrial structures have changed from heavy reliance on physical labor to a concentration upon knowledge. The global economy has gradually developed into an economic model where “Knowledge Accumulation and Innovation” are the primary motivating factors for economic growth. Knowledge is gradually substituting for machinery, cash, raw materials, and labor to become the principal element produced by industry. Consequently, “People” have naturally become the chief asset of an industry, meaning that how to obtain and use people effectively has become the most vital topic for businesses today. The semiconductor industry became the central production structure during the early stages of the process of industrial upgrade in our country. This can be seen from the economy’s statistical data of the past years, which also attests to its importance in the development of our country’s economy. By analyzing each of the national industries, it can be seen that the semiconductor industry will still be one of the industries playing a starring role in the next few years. Looking at the future, human resources management personnel will necessarily be a group that influences the development direction of an industry. Even more importantly, they will be a key factor to the survival of an industry in a fast changing environment. If one can understand the correlation between job motivation, job satisfaction, and job performance for human resources management personnel, it will have enormous benefits for industrial human resources management. The primary objective of this research was to investigate the correlation between job motivation, job satisfaction, and job performance for human resources management personnel in the semiconductor industry. Results indicate that the three research variables are indeed correlated. The results of this research hope to provide reference data for the semiconductor industry when selecting, promoting, and managing this kind of personnel. Furthermore, through these filtered out human resources personnel, invaluable human resources can be continuously fetched in and managed effectively.