標題: 環面結構之光波網路動態節點演算法
Reconfiguration Algorithms for Toroidal Multihop Lightwave Networks
作者: 許來旺
Lai-Wang Hsu
Rong-Hong Jan
關鍵字: 多點傳送光波網路;節點重整演算法;排列擇徑;Multihop lightwave netwoeks; Reconfiguration algorithm; Permutation routing
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 在波長分割多工處理多點傳送之光波網路中,通訊節點所構成之邏輯拓樸 與網路的實體架構無關,可經由調整各節點傳輸器及接收器之波長來改變 其邏輯拓樸.因此,我們可以借由動態調整光波網路的邏輯拓樸來降低網 路上因交通形態變化而產生之交通流量,使得網路資源的使用達到最佳的 狀況.在本論文中,我們探討邏輯拓樸為曼哈頓的網路問題,我們提出一 個基於一次只改變一對節點的演算法,此演算法只須改變少數節點即可迅 速降低網路的交通總流量.此外我們也考慮對時間延遲敏感的緊急資料排 列擇徑(permutation routing) 的問題, 並提出一個最佳的調整節點的 方法,此方法保證任一緊急資料可在兩次傳送(hop )內到達目的地. In a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) based lightwave network, the logical topology is independent of the physical structure. One of the attractive features is that we can reconfigure the logical topology by simply retuning a few receivers or transmitters in the network. In this thesis, we propose an algorithm based on exchanging a pair of nodes at a time to reconfigure a WDM-based lightwave network with Bidirectional Manhattan Street Network(BMSN) structure according a secquence of traffic patterns. The numerical results show that the total network load will be reduced rapidly after a few of node-pairs are exchanged. In addition, we also consider expedited, delay-sensitive data in the network. An optimal algorithm is proposed for reconfiguring the BMSN such that any expedited permutation routing is in 2 hops.
Appears in Collections:Thesis