標題: 電子產業企業員工協同研發平台之研究
A Research of Engineering Collaboration Platform in an Enterprise
作者: 吳思慧
Szu-Hui Wu
Chyan Yang
關鍵字: 協同商務;協同研發;產品生命週期管理;新產品開發;Collaborative Commerce;Engineering Collaboration;Product Life cycle Management;New Product Development
公開日期: 2003
摘要: Web-based的整合平台可使網絡中研發和行銷人員,透過該平台連結其對產品的研發和市場相關知識,形成整合且擴大的經驗基礎,並透過分享,以創新改善產品。換言之,企業組織可利用網際網路的特性,縮短研發時間和距離,降低研發成本,使產品更貼近市場需求。 透過因素分析研究,發現在協同研發階段中,研發人員和行銷人員對於新產品著重的部分不盡相同,研發人員較著重新產品在產品功能上的表現,而行銷人員則著重在市場和客戶接受度方面。 本研究以產品生命週期管理的概念為主軸,針對研發和行銷兩類人員,實作可快速建置的web-based平台,並針對其認知差異和可能造成溝通上的問題,透過平台設計,改善溝通問題,以使新產品能更貼近市場需求,降低其上市的時間。
Using web-based integrated platform can make RD and marketing employees link the developing and marketing knowledge through the network. By sharing the experience, people can improve the product by an innovative way. In another word, enterprise can take advantage of the Internet to shorten the distance and developing time, lower down the cost, and make the product closer to the market. By using the factor analysis, this study found that in the stage of cooperate development, RD and marketing employees look on the new product in a different point of view. RD employees emphasize on the performance of product’s functions, while marketing employees will pay more attention on the market and customer acceptance. This study will focus on the life cycle management of product, and construct a web-based platform for both RD and marketing employees. By using this platform, this study tried to solve communication problems between these two kinds of people, to make the product closer to the true need of market and shorten the developing time.


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