標題: 文化因素對消費者品牌忠誠度的影響-臺灣與美國間的比較
The effects of culture on consumer brand loyaltyea comparison between Taiwan and America
作者: 張維揚
Zhang, Wei-Yang
Huang, Ren-Hong
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 本文嘗試利用Hofstede的四個國家文化維度-權力距離(power dis- tance),不確定性規避(uncertainty avoidance),個人主義-群體主 義(individualism - collectivism),剛性作風-柔性作風(masculit y -femininity),並配合學者對於品牌忠誠度指標的定義,來探討文化 因素對於品牌忠誠度的可能影響。品牌忠誠度指標一共選用六種,包括行 為面的購買比例測量法、態度面的品牌偏好測量法、綜合面的二元尺度測 量法、品牌承諾測量法、直到變換品牌時的價格測量法、資訊收集測量法 等。問卷的資料顯示,台灣與美國樣本消費者的品牌忠誠度可能受到國家 文化維度的影響而有差異存在;美國樣本消費者似乎受到高度個人主義的 影響,造成他們對於一般性產品的品牌忠誠度高於台灣樣本消費者;台灣 樣本消費者似乎受到高度避免不確定性的影響,造成他們對於高價產品的 品牌忠誠度低於美國消費者;台灣男性樣本消費者似乎受到柔性主義的影 響,造成他們對於再生環保產品的品牌忠誠度略高於美國男性消費者;至 於權力距離這個維度,則因它與個人主義有高度負相關,而個人主義的差 距遠大於權力距離的差距,因此造成名牌運動鞋這種產品,同時受到此兩 維度交錯的影響,以至於無法得到預期的結果。 This thesis uses Hofstede's four national cultural dimensio- ns (power distance PD, unicertainty avoidance UA, individualism- collectivism IDV, and masculity-femininity MAS)to investigate the effects of culture on brand loyalty. We use six brand loyalty indices, including behavioral propo- rtion-of-purchase measure, attitudinal brand-preference measure, composite two- dimension measure, stated brand commitment measure , price until switching measure, and information search measure. The data of questionnaires show in that the differences in brand loyalty did exist;The brand loyalty of American samples toward shampoo is higher than that of Taiwanese samples, because American have higher IDV score;The brand loyalty of Taiwanese sa- mples toward high price products is higher than that of American samples, beacuse Taiwanese have higher UA scores;but we also get a delimma about PD and name brand tennis shoes, there is a high negative correlation between PD and IDV, that may confuse the relation between PD and shoes.
Appears in Collections:Thesis