Title: 台灣資訊工業新創公司成功因素之研究
The Success Factors of IT Startups in Taiwan
Authors: 陳嘉伩
Chia-Wen Chen
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 資訊工業;新創公司;關鍵成功因素;Information industry;Startupsl;Key Success Factors
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 台灣一向以低廉的製造成本與製造效率為其競爭優勢。然而,在產品低價化、工資上揚、以及全球經濟不景氣的衝擊之下,台灣的製造優勢逐漸被大陸及東南亞國家取代。 本研究以分析台灣資訊工業新創公司之「外部環境機會與威脅」、「內部環境優勢與劣勢」以及「企業經營策略」,透過關鍵成功因素(Key Success Factors;KSFs)的文獻回顧,設計出54個成功因素之問卷,發放給45家資訊工業的新創公司,共回收有效問卷27份。本研究使用因子分析法進行問卷的定量分析,研究結果發現在「外部環境機會與威脅」方面之KSFs可縮減為六個因子,「內部環境優勢與劣勢」之KSFs可縮減為四個因子,「企業經營策略」之KSFs則可歸納為四個因子。 透過四家台灣資訊工業新創公司的個案訪談,發現資訊硬體新創公司取得資金較無困難。為了能進入國際市場,資訊硬體新創公司強調產品品質通過是重要成功因素。資訊軟體新創公司一般較不需要大量資本,著重管理與行銷以使產品能夠被市場所接受。網路通訊新創公司則將重點放在精通與掌握符合國際標準的最新技術上。
In the past, Taiwan’s competitive advantages have been its low cost and efficient manufacturing. However, these advantages can not sustain facing the emergence of competition from China and other countries with even lower costs. This study started with analyzing the opportunities, threats, strengths, weaknesses and competitive strategies of Taiwan’s information industry. After reviewed the key success factors of other industries from the literatures, we sent out a questionnaire of a list of 54 success factors to 45 start-up companies in Taiwan’s information industry. We used Factor Analysis to analyze 27 survey responses. Six major factors can be aggregated out of the 18 factors in the opportunities and threats category. Four major factors can be aggregated out of the 18 factors in the strengths and weaknesses category. And four major factors can be aggregated out of the 18 factors in the competitive strategy category. The findings of these KSFs were verified with four entrepreneurs in the information industry. Start-up companies in information hardware don’t have difficulty in getting capital. They emphasized the importance of getting products type-approved in order to be marketable. Start-up companies in information software don’t have difficulty in getting capital either because they don’t need much. They emphasized the importance of management and marketing in order to get their software products sold in the market. Start-up companies in communications and networking stressed the importance of mastering the latest communications technologies adopted worldwide.
Appears in Collections:Thesis