標題: 我國國際捷運快遞業後進者競爭優勢之研究
A Study of Later-Entrants' Competitive advantages of International Courier Service in Taiwan
作者: 林武聰
Wu-Tsung Lin
William Jen
關鍵字: 台灣;國際捷運快遞;後進者;競爭優勢;Taiwan;Later Entrants;Competitive advantage;International courier service
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 本研究係以我國運輸產業中之國際捷運快遞業為其研究對象,以學理為基 礎,推演在此一產業之主要後進者企業功能與母公司資源的競爭優勢之研 究命題與假設。所推演出來的基本命題為後進者欲進入此一快遞市場,必 須讓使用者知覺到其至少有一項企業功能超越先驅者,或是在母公司資源 之享有上超越先驅者,才有可能在此一競爭激烈的國際快遞市場上佔有一 席之地。本研究針對先驅者(洋基),早期進入者(郵局)及主要後進者 (聯邦、優比速、安邦、源威),以顧客滿意與知覺的角度將所推演之假 設的各關鍵構念發展成問卷,並分別針對商業文件類客戶與貨樣包裹類客 戶各抽取四個較常用國際快遞之行業共抽取1600家公司為調查對象,進行 郵寄問卷調查。企圖經由國際快遞使用者對顧客服務品質重要性與滿意程 度之知覺調查,再佐以應用標竿競爭分析,來檢定我國國際快遞市場中後 進者具有哪些企業功能性技術或母公司資源之競爭優勢。分析調查的結果 得知,(1)本研究所研擬之國際捷運快遞業後進者競爭優勢的基本假設 已得到驗証,其中聯邦公司是最具威脅性的後進挑戰者。(2)顧客較重 視的服務因子為運送品之「安全可靠性」、「遞送速度」、「追蹤查詢服 務」。(3)先驅者洋基公司在享有絕對品牌優勢之餘,所有後進者在短 期似皆是以低價格策略來作為主要的競爭策略。 The reason a firm decides to enter a market is basically that nagement judgesthat the firm's resource and strengths meet the k- ey criteria necessary for success in that market. In theoretical- ly, Empirical results tent to support the comparative advantage hypothesis.Based on this, we want to formulate the propositions and hypotheses of functional skillsand parent's resourcesof the courier service companies in that market, and test these hypothe- sis with empirical data. A surveyis conducted for collecting data from the first-mover( DHL), earlyentrants(Post Office), and later- entrants(Federal Express, UPS, TNT, Airborne). The previous mark- eting survey report/news and requested questionnaire data of 1600 customersare collected for obtaining requires informationfor both test hypothesis and competitive benchmarking analysis. According to the result of this analysis. (1)The fundamental hyp- otheses of thisstudy has been proved. As to pioneer(DHL), Federal Express company seems to be the most threatening challenger. (2) Both document service customers and parcel service customers ran- ked the important service elements are "security and reliability" , "transit speed", "tracing service".(3)All of the later-entrants ,take the low-price strategy as their main competitive weapon.