Title: | 台鐵發展快遞業務可行性之研究 A Feasibility Study on Developing Courier Service of Taiwan Railway Administration |
Authors: | 詹鴻漳 Hung-chang Jane 黃台生 Tai-Sheng Huang 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 快遞;宅配;及門運輸;鐵路貨運;courier service;home delivery;door to door service;railroad freight |
Issue Date: | 2000 |
Abstract: | 摘 要 隨著國內產業結構的改變及公路運輸的競爭,台鐵傳統貨運業務明顯下滑,如何結合物流,善用閒置的場站資源,應為當物之急。台鐵場站多位於人口集中之商業中心,惟倉庫規模不大,停車空間有限,部份車站又僅能停靠旅客列車,不利於大型物流中心之發展。如能參酌國外鐵路發展經驗,利用旅客列車剩餘空間或採附掛車廂方式,結合公路貨運業者建立策略聯盟,提供及門運輸配送服務,發展不位空間且方便快速裝卸的快遞或包裹業務,應極具可行性。 鐵路行李、包裹運輸,雖仍維持傳統人工作業方式,由於鐵路擁有專屬權,時效較容易掌握,雖無及門運輸服務,在國內市場中仍維持一定佔有率。本研究首先參考國內外快遞業相關文獻及市場營運資料,加以分析歸納,了解國內快遞業需求特性,顧客重視的快遞服務因子、營運網路及產業結構,進而經由問卷調查設計探求國內快遞業者經營成功的優勢及台鐵發展快遞業務的標竿競爭定位,架構台鐵快遞營運網路,並進一步分析其可行性。得致結論與建議如下: 1. 台鐵擁有專用鐵道,固定班車、頻次高、每天固定流量的客源,是進入快遞市場的利基。 2. 台鐵快遞營運網路必須結合委外業者提供及門運輸服務,以強化市場競爭力。 3. 鐵路運輸相關法令必須配合修訂,以利自動化、資訊化作業。 4. 台鐵快遞除實體流作業外,必須結合商流、金流及委外配送,以擴大產業規模。 5. 台鐵必須針對夥伴關係,基礎設施、資訊技術與政府政策作進一步了解與探討,以期成功發展快遞物流相關產業。 ABSTRACT Facing the competition of road transportation and in accordance with the change of internal enterprise structure, the operating volume & transport distance of railroad freight service have been obviously decreasing. Most of TRA station and warehouses are located at the prosperous business and densely populated area, It is not beneficial to the development of large distribution center due to the small scale of warehouses, concentration of population, restraint of parking space, and the station design only provided the stop for passenger trains. Referring to the development experience of foreign railroad, it should be feasible to use the rest space of passenger train and the additional car coupled to develop spaceless and quick loading/unloading passenger train Courier & Parcel service which is going to be in cooperation with the owner of freight service in order to establish strategy union to provide door-to-door service. Though still maintaining conventional manual operating way, the timing effect of railway luggage & parcel transportation is easy to control because of the its own right-of-way. The fixed ratio occupied has been maintained in internal market even though without door-to-door service. This feasibility study, referring to the involved documentations and the information of market operation including internal and foreign courier service, has been analyzed and concluded in order to realize the requirement specialty of internal courier service, the element expected by customer of courier service, service net & enterprise-structure. Further analysis concerning the feasibility has already been carried out by way of investigating the success advantage of internal courier service management, the Benchmarking competition positioning of developing TRA courier and the operation network of TRA courier. The conclusion and recommendations are shown as followings: 1. TRA has the advantage of entering courier service market because it has its own right-of-way, fixed schedule and high density trains, fixed passenger volume. 2. The courier service network of TRA must cooperate the private owner of courier service to provide door-to-door service in order to reinforce the ability of market competition. 3. The involved regulations of railway transportation should be updated accordingly which are of much benefit to the operation of automation & information. 4. The courier service of TRA , except the physical distribution, must cooperate Business logistics , cash flow and outsourcing to enlarge the scale of undertakings. 5. Partnership, basic equipment, information technique and government Policy must be realized and investigated further by TRA, It’s highly anticipated to develop involved courier undertakings successfully. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/66617 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |