Title: | 資訊顯示型態對偵錯作業績效的影響 The Effect of Information Display Format on Malfunction Detection |
Authors: | 黃佳德 Huang Chia Der 許尚華 Shang Hwa Hsu 工業工程與管理學系 |
Keywords: | 資訊顯示型態;圖形顯示;系統監控作業;偵錯作業;人機介面;Information display format;graphical display;system monitoring ;MMI;malfunction detection task |
Issue Date: | 1994 |
Abstract: | 在一系統監控作業中有效的整合系統知識並從人機介面上獲得完整的系統 運作訊息是達成良好作業績效的基礎. 本研究的主要目的在探討一系統的 監控者在面對各種不同性質的系統狀態時 , 是否會因為其所使用之監控 螢幕上不同的資訊顯示型態而導致在不同作業類別上有工作績效的差別. 實驗樣本為三十六位大學部及研究所學生, 實驗採用分割區重複量數設 計, 隨機將受試者分配於四個分割區( 文數字型顯示 , 長條圖顯示型 態, 物體顯示, 功能型顯示型態 ), 重複操作三種作業類別( 簡單規則 型, 複雜規則型, 知識型 ). 實驗前先採標準程序訓練受試者在實驗中使 用的系統背景知識與操作方法,然後進行此系統監控的實驗, 評量效標為 反應時間與正確率.經實驗結果分析, 在資訊顯示型態對反應時間的效果 上: 文數字型態下反應時間較快, 其次為功能型顯示與物體顯示, 最慢為 長條圖顯示. 簡單規則型作業有較高的反應正確率與較快的反應時間, 知 識型與複雜規則型作業則無顯著的差異. 作業類別與顯示型態在反應正確 率上有交互作用: 其中在處理複雜規則型作業時文數字型顯示型態有較差 的績效, 而三種圖形介面間並無差異. 在不同的資訊顯示型態上, 文數字 在處理複雜作業時有較差的績效, 而長條圖在處理規則型作業時較在知識 型作業下有較佳的績效; 而物體顯示及功能型顯示在處理簡單規則型作業 有較佳的優勢; 綜括而言, 功能型顯示在作業績效有較佳的表現. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of information display format on the performance of three malfunction detection task.It aimed to examine which type of display format is suitable for different kinds of tasks. The experiment sample consisted of 36 university and gra- duate students.By using split-plot repeated measure design, subjects were randomly assigned to four blocks(i.e. alpha numeric display,bar display,object display,and mimic disp- lay)and all of them were asked to detect abnormality consis- ted of three different kind tasks ( i.e. simple rule based task , complex rule based task , and knowledge based task ).Before the experiment started,subjects has to learn rules and knowledge of the system. Then, subjects were instructed to perform the simulated monitoring task on PC.Subjects were tested for their performance with every system state,and response time along with its accuracy was recorded. The result showed that there was an effect of malfunction detection on dealing with different information display format .In terms of accuracy,the alpha numeric display perform worstor complex rule based task; bar display performs better on ru- le based task than on knowledge based task;object display and mimic display both perform best on simple rule-based task;Pu- tting the result in response time and accuracy together , theimic display is effective.The result indicated providing sys- tem state information in the format which is compatible with their task familiarity display can aid users in performing mal- function detection task. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/58805 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |