標題: 自動化資訊網路系統推廣策略之研究-以物流中心為例
A Study of Strategy in Promoting Automation-Information-Network Systems - taking the Distribution center as An Example
作者: 張嘉勝
J. S. Chang
C. E. Lee
關鍵字: 自動化資訊網路系統;物流中心;限制理論;Automation-Information-Network System;Distribution center; Theory of constraint
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 臺灣經濟活動日益活絡,商品流動的速度也逐漸加快。為邁向現代化,政 府於民國80年07月起,展開了商業自動化計劃工作。物流中心整合了商流 、物流、金流、資訊流等機能,在未來商業流通的過程中扮演著核心的角 色,而自動化資訊網路系統正是物流中心拓展營運規模之重要工具,故推 展自動化資訊網路系統便成為商業自動化計劃的重點工作之一。本論文旨 在探討物流中心應用自動化資訊網路之效益,針對國內自動化資訊網路系 統推廣上的阻礙,應用限制理論的系統化邏輯架構,尋找出關鍵問題,推 論出達成理想目標的可行方案與執行準則,以研擬自動化資 網路系統未 來之推展方向。 Because of the booming economy in Taiwan in the past few decades, the circulation speed of commercial goods becomes faster and faster. Distribution centers (DCs) integrating material flows, business flows, cash flows, and information flows emerges to play one of the most important roles in commercial business. This research studies the extension strategy in applying the automation-information-network system in distribution centers. This research first scrutinizes the nation-wide obstacles in putting the automation-information- network system into practice in DCs. It then applies the theory of constraints (TOC), which has been generally recognized to be one of the most logical and systematical thinking and reasoning tools, in identifying the core problem as well as the ideal objective of those potential obstacles. Finally, an ultimate implementation plan and the corresponding initiator's actions are derived accordingly.