Title: 在ATM網路中的OAM測量與警報相關性之研究
OAM Measurements and Alarm Correlation in ATM Networks
Authors: 楊仁魁
Ren-Kuei Yang
Ying-Dar Lin
Keywords: 非同步傳輸模式, 運作與維護, 網路管理, 警報相關性, 擁塞診斷, 虛擬路徑.;ATM, OAM, Network Management, Alarm Correlation, Congestion Diagnosis, VP.
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 本論文係針對未來之寬頻整合服務數位網路(B-ISDN)所採用的高速交換技
術,即非同步傳輸模式(Asynchronous Transfer Mode, ATM),進行網路
管理方面的研究。本研究包含在 ATM 中 OAM 測量的方法與警報相關性(
Alarm Correlation)之研究。在本篇論文中,我們概略敘述 OAM 的錯誤
管理與效益管理機制,並提出路徑交集(path intersection)的假想方法(
heuristics),將網路上 OAM 測量所收集到的警示訊息進行分析與歸納,
們利用模擬的結果對網路的擁塞模式(congestion pattern)加以研究。最
後,我們利用此假想的方法提出三種選取虛擬路徑(Virtual Path, VP)路
The purpose of this thesis is to research on network manage-
ment of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) which is adopted as
the core technology of B-ISDN. Our research includes OAM
measurement and alarm correlation methods in ATM networks. In
this thesis, we introduce the OAM fault management and
performance management mechanisms. We present the path
intersection heuristic as the alarm correlation method to
analyze the alarms collected by OAM measurements, and to find
the congestion areas in ATM networks. We use simulation to
evaluate the proposed heuristics. Besides, we analyze the
congestion pattern in ATM networks by examing the simulation
results. Finally, based on the proposed heuristics, we present
three methods to choose the VPCs for rerouting in order to
eliminate the congestion and we make a comparison among these
three methods.
Appears in Collections:Thesis