標題: 灰色理論應用於基隆港棧埠作業民營化績效評估之研究
The Application of Grey Theory to Research in Performance Evaluation of Privatization of Keelung Harbor Terminal Operation
作者: 林智偉
Chih-Wei Lin
Cherng-Chwan Hwang
關鍵字: 基隆港;民營化;灰色關聯分析;績效評估;Keelung Harbor;Privatization;GRA;Performance Evaluation
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 基隆港於民國八十八年一月一日實施棧埠作業民營化,開放民營貨櫃裝卸業者7家,民營散裝雜貨裝卸業者8家,期能增進營運效率並提昇港埠競爭力;而同時政府也發放了82.8億的退休離職金,以優退和輔導民營裝卸業者優先僱用原有碼頭工人的手段,解除碼頭工人的特殊身份。基隆港棧埠作業民營化迄今逾五年,其績效表現相當值得進行研究。
本研究旨在評估基隆港棧埠作業民營化的績效表現,首先蒐集民營化前後相關營運資料,經由文獻回顧,參照各專家學者之指標選取原則,並考量基隆港棧埠作業民營化影響之層面,本研究最終建立了四大績效評估構面,分別為生產力構面、財務績效構面、服務構面、裝卸效率構面,再籍由灰色關聯分析法(GRA),進行各評估構面指標的分群與代表性指標的擷取。最後,針對所擷取出之代表性指標,以曾國雄、曹勝雄(1994) 所提出結合灰色關聯分析法(GRA)與理想解類似度偏好順序技術(TOPSIS)的整合式灰色關聯分析法,進行各年度整體績效值之計算與排序。而在權重未知的情況之下,各評估層面中代表性指標間之權重以熵(Entropy Weight Method)權重法求取。
The privatization of Keelung Harbor terminal operation was carried out on January first 1999, the loading and unloading operation was released to seven private container handle companies and eight private bulk handle companies in order to promote operation efficiency and improve competitiveness. Meanwhile, the government paid 8.28 billions NTD pension and lay-off compensation to solve the so-called stevedore problems. So far the privatization measure has been implemented for five years, the performance is worthy of researching.
This study aims to evaluate the performance of privatization of Keeling Harbor's terminal operation. Related data before and after privatization were collected first, and through literature review, five evaluation composes including productivity, finance, service and cargo loading/unloading efficiency were set, the main considerations are indicator-selecting criteria from scholars and aspects affected by the privatization. This study applies Grey Relation Analysis (GRA) to group the initial indicators and extract representative indicators from each group, then applies the Integrated Grey Relation Method proposed by Tzeng Gwo-Hshiung and Tsaur Sheng-Hshiung (1994) to evaluate yearly performances and rank them.
The results indicate that, as a whole, the performance after privatization is superior to the performance before privatization. In view of the tendency of overall performance after privatization, after all the efforts made by the private sector and Keelung Harbor Bureau, the operation performance becomes more and more good, and it proves that the privatization of terminal operation works well.


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