Title: 臺灣地區套裝軟體產業新產品開發之研究:影響新產品成功的關鍵活動
A Study on New Product Development in Taiwan's Package Software Business: The Critical Activities for New Product Success
Authors: 鄭永洸
Cheng, Yung-Kwung
Lin, Jimming; Yu, Keh-Chiang
Keywords: 套裝軟體;新產品;新產品開發活動;新產品成功;package software; new product developement activities; new product success
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 本研究透過新產品開發的角度,對於臺灣地區的套裝軟體業者進行研究, 找出影響新產品成功的重大關鍵開發活動。在對臺灣地區的套裝軟體業者 進行問卷訪談之後,本研究對回收問卷資料,根據業者(1)達成預期利潤 率(2)達成市場成功率與(3)達成預期目標率來進行集群分析。接著以t檢 定發現到在台灣地區的套裝軟體新產品中,新產品成功率高的業者在「市 場研究」、「商品化」、以及「技術評估」這三項新產品開發活動有顯著 的不同;而再利用複迴歸的方法分析資料,得到「市場研究」、「商品化 」、「技術資訊流通」、與「技術評估」這四項活動對新產品的成功有顯 著的影響。另外在業者的特性上,負責開發的單位是採取跨部門的方式時 ,會有較高的新產品成功率。基於以上的研究發現中可見,行銷性的活動 (特別是市場研究與產品商品化)對國內的業者而言有相當大的重要性; 同時,新產品開發的評估預測,不管是市場行銷方面與開發技術方面,都 對產品的成功有相當的影響;另外在開發流程上,產品開發的技術資訊需 要讓組織內部各成員都能瞭解到。 The purpose of this research is to find out the critical development activities for new product success in Taiwan's package software business. A survey reveals that there are two distinct groups high successful group and low successful group based on the factors of (1) percentage of products achieved expected profits; (2) percentage of products achieve market success; and (3) percentage of products developed within the original schedule. The high successful group scores higher on most of the marketing activities, technical activities and organizational activities. The t-test shows that there are significant difference on the following activities: "detail market study", "commercialization", and "technology assessment". Furthermore, we used the multiple regression method to analysize the relationship of a new package product success and new product development activities and found that the activities: "detail market study", "commercialization", "technology assessment", and "technology information transformation" have significant linear relationship with new package product success. Besides, we also discovered that the cross-functional development organization, as compared to technical organization alone, has a relatively higher success rate. Based on what we found, the study suggests that the package software business pay more attention in marketing activities. In brief, the market and technology assessment are very important for new package product development.
Appears in Collections:Thesis