標題: 國際物流營運之動態複合運輸資源配置模式
Dynamic Intermodal Resources Allocation Modeling for International Logistics Operations
作者: 林永祥
Yung-Hsiang Lin
Jiuh-Biing Sheu
關鍵字: 國際物流;複合運輸;動態;資源配置;0-1整數規劃;多目標規劃;International logistics;Intermodal;Dynamic;Resources allocation;0-1 integer programming;Multi-objective programming
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 在面對全球化競爭的壓力下,且近幾年來由於資訊科技的發達,國際間孕運出許多物流相關業者,他們是在提供國與國間的戶對戶既快速又便捷的國際物流服務。在跨國中的物流配送,運具轉換與運具選擇是一項重要的問題,因此複合運輸就此產生,但在選擇運具的同時往往忽略到時間的動態問題,也就是說時間的因素會影響到資源的多寡,畢竟資源有限且也會隨時間改變而有所不同,因此如何利用陸海空的運具加以整合,使資源配置能夠達到最適,是我們所關心的。 本研究以一個案例來分析供應鏈配送過程中所發生的情況,並利用相關的數學規劃法,如運具選擇、路線、轉運點等三個決策變數利用數學規劃法中的0-1整數規劃,目標式中的成本項與時間項兩項目標以數學規劃法中的多目標規劃來構建一般化的數學模式,然後利用Lingo8.0版的套裝軟體來求解。 結果發現以天津為配送起點的話,其最佳運輸組合為海公路聯運,以上海與廣州為配送起點時,最佳運具組合為海鐵路聯運,當調整目標式權重時其最佳運具組合會有所改變。因此,本研究之複合運輸模式具一般性,期望能運用此一模式及方法提供相關人士在營運與管理策略之參考,以提昇其全球化的競爭能力。
Under the pressure of international competition and the prosperity of information technology, many logistical companies have produced. They offer quick and convenient service of International Logistics directly among countries. During the process of transportation among countries, the vehicle transition and the vehicle choice is a very important problem, so intermodal appears. However, the factor of dynamic is usually ignored while choosing transportation vehicles. Actually, time does have effects on the adequacy of resources, since resources change with time and are limited. How to integrate land, sea, and air transportation vehicles to attain the utmost of resource allocation is what we care about. This research is to analyze what happens during the process of among supply chain and also applying related mathematic programming to construct a generalized model, such as 0-1 integrate programming, which takes transportation vehicles, routes, and transfer posts three decision variable into consideration, and multi-objective programming, which contains two objective. Then, use Lingo8.0 software to find out the answer. The following are the two consequences: If we take Tianjin as the start of transportation, to combine sea and highway two transportation would be the best resolution. If we take Shanghai and Guangzhou as two starts, the best transportation combination is sea and railway. While adjustments ratio of cost objective and time objective, the best transportation combination would change with it. Thus, the intermodal model of this research has generality, which means it can apply to most of situations and hope to utilize this model to supply as a resource of operation and management strategies and to promote the ability of competition internationally.
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