標題: 次微米MOS SOI元件之分析與設計
Analysis and Design of Submicron SOI MOS Devices
作者: 鄭躍晴
Yao-Chin Cheng
Steve Shao-Shiun Chung
關鍵字: 矽磊晶絕緣體;浮動基體效應;寄生雙極性接面電晶體效應。;Silicon-on-Insulator;floating-body effects;parasitic BJT effect.
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 近年來,矽磊晶絕緣體(Silicon-on-Insulator, SOI) 金氧半電晶體由於
較矽基片元件有很多優點,因此在極大型積體電路 (ULSI) 的應用上極具
發展潛力, SOI元件不僅提供了較快的速率,較高的包裝密度,更簡單的
製程,避免 latch-up 的 CMOS 結構,而且也改善了元件特性。然而,
SOI 金氧半場效體的隔離結構會產生浮動基體效應 ( floating-body
effects),如電流紐結 (kink) 和早期崩潰,而這些效應在矽基片元件
中並不會發生。 所以,在本文中我們著眼在深次微米 SOI 元件之浮動基
(fully-depleted) SOI 金氧半場效體不能完全免於寄生雙極性接面電晶
體效應( parasitic BJT effect ),而完全空乏 SOI 元件的崩潰機構和
部分空乏 ( partially-depleted )元件不同。在部分空乏 MOS 結構的
SOI 元件中,寄生雙極性電晶體電流主控陡增的崩潰電流;另一方面,完
全空乏 MOS 結構 SOI 元件由於有比較高的橫向電場,因此撞擊游離電
流 (impact ionization current) 主宰崩潰特性。因此,為了要改善浮
用薄膜非對稱輕摻雜汲極 (asymmetric lightly doped drain) 結構的高
效能深次微米 SOI 元件。
In recent years , Silicon-on-Insulator MOS transistors are
attractive candidates for use in ULSI circuits owing to
numerous advantages over bulk-Si devices . The SOI devices
provide not only faster speed , latch-up-free CMOS
structure , but also improved other device performance .
However , the electrically isolated silicon film structure
of SOI MOSFET's creates floating-body effects such as
current kink and early breakdown . Therefore, we focus on the
analysis of the floating-body effects and the breakdown
mechanism for deep-submicron SOI devices. In the thesis,we have
shown that fully-depleted SOI MOSFET's do not always have the
immunity from the parasitic BJT effect. The parasitic BJT
current dominates the steep breakdown current in partially-
depleted MOS structure SOI. On the other hand , the impact
ionization current dominates the breakdown phenomena in the
fully-depleted MOS structure SOI devices owing to its higher
lateral field as compared with partially-depleted
counterpart. In order to improve floating-body effects and
breakdown without sacrificing the current drivability , we
propose a thin-film asymmetric lightly doped drain structure
SOI device which is a promising candidate for high-performance