标题: 利用超真空化学气相沉积成长复晶矽薄膜电晶体特性之研究
A Study of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Transistors Fabricated by Ultra-High Vacuum/ Chemical Vapor Deposition
作者: 胡志昌
Jyh-Chang Hwu
Dr.Chun-Yen Chang
关键字: 超真空化学气相沉积;薄膜电晶体;化学机械研磨.;Ultra-High Vacuum/Chemical Vapor Deposition; Chemically and Mechanically polished.
公开日期: 1994
摘要: 在本论文中,我们成功地利用超真空化学气相沉积系统制造出高性能的上
比较, 前者制成的电晶体在电性上比后者好很多, 它拥有高的场效载子迁
移率和开/ 关电流比, 及低的临界电压和闸极波动率( 氢化后可小于250
mV/dec), 它的活化能随闸极电压的增加而下降很快, 这些是因为用超真
空化学气相沉积的复晶矽薄膜界面中拥有很小的缺陷密度所致. 在此实验
中我们使用化学机械研磨(CMP) 来改善上闸极电晶体的闸极氧化层和复晶
矽薄膜界面的平坦度, 同时氢化及复晶矽薄膜厚度对电晶体电性的影响也
In this research,high performance bottom-gate and top- gate
poly-Si TFTs with active layer grown by ultra-high vacuum
/chemical vapor deposition (UHV/CVD) system have been success-
fully fabricated, and firstly compared its electrical
character- istics with those of devives with films grown by
conventional low pressure/chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD)
system. Of these two devices the former exhibits consistently a
superior performance. It owns high field-effect mobility, high
ON/OFF current ratio, low threshold voltage and low
subthreshold swing (< 250mV/dec after hydrogenation), and its
activation energy decreases very fast with the gate voltage.
The improve- ment was attributed to very less trap-state
density in the UHV /CVD-processed poly-Si films grain boundary.
In order to get more smooth the oxide-semiconductor interface
of the top-gate TFTs,the surface of the poly-Si films were
chemically and mechanically polished (CMP) before oxidation, In
the same time ,the effects of hydrogenation passivation and
poly-Si film thickness on the performance were studied also.