Title: | 聲訊音調改變之設計與實現 The Design & Implementation of Audio Pitch Shifting |
Authors: | 何紹加 Shaw-Jia Hor 陳紹基 Sau-Gee Chen 電子研究所 |
Keywords: | 聲訊音調改變; 三角積分調變器; 升降調;;Audio Pitch Shifting; Delta Sigma Modulator; Key Shifter; |
Issue Date: | 1994 |
Abstract: | 本文主要將聲音訊號之音調改變的演算方法,用積體電路設計方式,實現 一個能作及時處理、低複雜度、高傳真度之可調音調與速率之積體電路晶 片,以應用在聆聽者可隨意地依個人喜好調整樂音或聲樂訊號的音高。其 中最主要的功能方塊約分為類比數位轉換器、可調音調和速率功能方塊以 及數位類比轉換器等三部份。在本文中會詳盡的介紹各功能方塊。如 A/D 轉換器,我們將採用三角積分調變器架構,並就其中應用技術,像超取樣 頻率和雜訊移頻技術、降頻濾波器以及補償式 FIR波器設計技術,分別探 討。如 D/A轉換器,則採用簡易晶片面積需求少且易於隨取樣頻率而變的 R-2R架構,來做為放音前的轉換器。至於音調改變的方法,則採用最快速 及能保持原音品質的方法。其主要運作方式如下:將聲音訊號切割成一段 段的音區,每段音區再根據音調改變程度,將音區壓縮或增長,在下一段 音區選取時,必須符合其起始處與處理後聲訊的尾端在時間軸相對應。每 一音區與音區銜接處用MAE之方法,尋找最適當的銜接處,如此其聲音將 更為傳真,而且計算量低。應用此法將其硬體實現,在不降低聲音品質和 不增加運算量的需求下,可更進一步精簡,以使晶片所需面積最小,控制 功能複雜性降至最低,以求做出即時改變音調的晶片。 This thesis accomplishes an audio processor design for low- noise, high-quality, low-complexity and real-time pitch shifting operation. The audio processor includes a DSM A/D converter, a pitch shifter and a D/A converter. Operations of these functions block and their corresponding circuits are detailed. Many Coefficient design techniques are employed to facilitate a high-performance design results. These techniques includes DSM (Delta Sigma Modulator) A/D conversion scheme, a hybrid low-complexity sinc & compensation decimation filtering, a simple R-2R DAC scheme and a low-complexity high-fidelity pitch-shifting algorithm. The pitch-shifting algorithm is based on a simple frame-base compression/dilation & in-phase overlapping algorithm. minimum absolute error (MAE) criterion is adopted as cost function in the pitching operation, because it produces the best results and lowest complexity compared with other cost functions. Logic designs of the processor are completed. Blockwise logic & timing simulations are also performed. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/59347 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |