標題: 高科技產業廠商新產品開發成功因素之研究
Factors Influencing New Product Development Success in High- Tech Industrial Firms
作者: 游本孚
Pen-fu Yu
Ming-Yueh Tarng
關鍵字: 新產品開發;New Product Development
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 在高科技的產業中,新產品開發的成功是否有其原因呢?答案應是肯定的 。新產品開發的個案中,確實存在有許多共同特徵和成功的評價有關。本 研究以國內高科技產業廠商之三十個新產品開發個案為研究對象,將新產 品開發特性因素整理出三十一個因素並歸納成七個因素群;而成功的評價 則包括了商業上的成功及技術上的成功兩個層面來分別考量。經過訪談及 資料分析所得到之研究發現:新產品開發之商業上成功因素計有:產品具 有優良的績效、產品具有唯一的功能特色、市場呈現低度的競爭、部門間 聯繫程度高、部門間資訊交流量大、符合財務計劃程度高、專案推出的動 機來自防守的策略及市場研究能力佳等因素。其次,新產品開發之技術上 成功的因素則計有:產品具有唯一的特色、市場呈現低度競爭力、產品定 位在其特色上、組織結構彈性化、專案管理人具有必要的技術能力及管理 能力等。接下來本研究利用因素分析法來對上述顯著的成功因素進行資料 縮減的工作。分析結果顯示商業上成功因素可縮減成三項共同因素:(1) 組織內部的協調(2)組織對市場的熟悉度。(3)組織因應市場的變化能力。 而技術上之成功因素可縮減成二項共同因素:(1)組織結構配合管理上需 要。 (2)組織能掌握技術及產品的特色。在高科技產業中,新產品開發的 成功,無疑的是許多複雜的因素所造成的,並且和市場及技術環境的高度 不確定性有密不可分的關聯。本研究僅在所要研究的範圍內就收集到的資 料來進行分析,並驗證了國內的新產品開發成功因素與國外類似研究其結 果是相符的。 An important task facing in high-tech industrial firms is what makes a new product a winner? This comprehensive study discusses 31 factors influencing the success of new product development through 30 cases in semiconductor, information and telecommunica- tion industries. And success is evaluated from two dimensions : commercial success and technical success. The results in this paper through interview and after data analysis show that : the factors influencing commercial success are good product performance, unique feature, low competition, high touch and information flow between departments, meeting the previous financial plan, defensive project impetus and good mar- keting research. And the factors influencing technical success are unique feature, low competition, position in its features, flexible organic organization and the project manager with nece- ssary skill in management and technical. Furthermore, this paper focuses on these significant factors and reduces data by common factor analysis. There are three common factors in commercial success: (1)synergetic organization (2) perception of the market involved. (3) capability of change according to market environment.And there are two common factors in technical success: (1)organic organization meeting the demand of management (2)hold on the technique and features of products. It is no doubt that there are many sophisticated factors influencing the success of new product development. Considering the uncertain environments of the market and technique is also necessary. Based on the 30 case samples, within the study , the evidence shown here in Taiwan corresponds with the correlative survey abroad.
Appears in Collections:Thesis