Title: 送禮行為與個人價值觀
Gift-Giving Behavior and Personal Values
Authors: 林讚祺
Tzann Chyi Lin
Jen Hung Huang
Keywords: 價值觀;送禮行為;電子郵件;Values;Gift-Giving;E-mail
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 人類的價值觀對其動機有著若干影響,而動機又會影響行為;送禮行為是
化;生活環境皆不同 ,因此往往有著不同的價值觀;不同性別的個人其生
本研究的主要目的有四: 1.探討台、美、英、澳四地的個人,其價值觀
有何不同。 2.探討不同性別的個人,其價值觀有何不同。 3.探討何種價
。 4.探討何種性別的個人,會有較多的送禮行為,及在選擇禮物時,會
花費較多的心力。本研究以LOV 個人價值問卷,及七個衡量個人非強制性
1.台、美、英、澳四地的男性,在LOV 的九個價值觀中,有四個達到顯著
差異水準。 2.不同性別的個人,在LOV 的九個價值觀中,有兩個達到顯
著差異水準。 3.價值區隔屬於warm relationships with others、self
respect、sense of belonging 的個人,將會比其它的價值區隔者,有
差異水準。 4.女性無論在送禮數量,及在選禮時所費的心力皆較男性為
Personal values affects motivations,and motivations affect
behaviors.Personal values have a pervasive influence on beha-
vior across a variety of areas,including gift-giving.Different
country has different culture and environment.It is no wonder
that people of different nation have different personal values.
Male is different from female in many aspects,no matter physi-
ology or social stereotype.It's natural that different sex will
have different value preferrence.Our study has four major
goals: 1.To explore people's values of different nationality,
in- cluding U.S.A ,England,Australia,and Taiwan. 2.To explore
people's values of different sex. 3.To explore which value
segments will report more gift-giving behavior,and will spend
more efforts when they select their gifts. 4.To explore which
sex will report more gift-giving behavior, and will spend more
efforts when they select their gifts . Our study use LOV (List
of Values) to explore personal and seven questions extradede
from Banks's work (1979) to mea- sure one's non-obligatory gift-
giving behavior.We sent our ques- tionnaire by INTERNET to U.S.
A ,England,Australia,and Taiwan. Here are our findings: 1.There
are four values out of nine LOV values reach signifi- cant
level in four different country. 2.There are two values out of
nine LOV values reach signifi- cant level comparing different
sex. 3.Individuals in certain value segments, e.g. warm
relation- ship with others, sense of belonging, and self-
respect,will report greater peceived gift-giving than
individuals in other value segments, including self-
fulfillment, security, and sense of accomplishment, will report
in four nations.( U.S.A ,England,Australia,and Taiwan) 4.No
matter amount of giving or perceived effort exerted in gift
selection ,female report greater amount than male do. And it
reach significant level.
Appears in Collections:Thesis