DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorYi-Ping Huangen_US
dc.contributor.authorPao-Long Changen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣IC產業近年來蓬勃發展,已成為全球半導體製造的主要國家,同時也帶動生產設備市場需求大幅成長,使台灣成為全球主要的半導體設備市場之一。而半導體生產設備十分的昂貴,其有賴自動化設備之有效運用,以提高生產力及高品質的產品,來創造利潤。然而當自動化生產設備在運轉期間,必須確保維持正常運轉,避免無計劃性停機,即使無預警故障,亦需要迅速修護,所以售後維修服務就顯的特別重要。因此設備供應商之售後服務及支援維修體系之健全與否,為提昇顧客服務水準的重要關鍵因素,亦是設備供應廠商之關鍵生存條件。 本研究採用文獻探討法、深度訪談法與次級資料分析法來進行研究,並採取個案研究法,選取半導體設備產業中的某一知名領導廠商為研究對象,探究其成功之經驗模式,發掘出半導體設備產業所應著重的售後服務之核心活動,建立售後服務系統最佳實務之架構。本論文之研究架構分為三個層級,分別為七大售後服務項目、十六個關鍵服務品質指標以及多項的具體行動方案。本研究藉由成功企業的經驗探討,以使得其他半導體設備廠商瞭解在實施售後服務的過程中,要如何才能提供良好的服務品質給客戶,更進而提昇自身的市場佔有率與競爭優勢。 其他相關企業可藉由本研究的結果來瞭解並學習標竿企業之成功因素,作為其擬定售後服務課題時的參考,加速企業掌握推行售後服務活動的精髓,提高顧客的滿意度,進而降低企業在實施上失敗的可能性,也避免因方針與目標的錯誤,造成顧客的流失及績效的低落。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the recent years, IC industry in Taiwan has been rising and flourishing, and Taiwan has therefore become the primary semiconductor manufacturing country in the world. At the same time, it drives the demand of semiconductor equipment market growing up widely, and makes Taiwan become one of the primary semiconductor equipment markets in the world. The semiconductor equipments are very expensive, so they must work effectively to enhance productivity and quality of products. When the auto-equipments are running, they must keep working normally. Even if they breakdown without anticipating, they should be repaired as soon as possible, so the after-sale repairing service is very important. Therefore, the key factors to enhance the service level and the critical survival condition for equipment suppliers are well after-sale services and the repairing system. The research methods of this thesis contain literature analysis, depth interviewing, secondary data analysis and case study. We choose a well-known leadership in semiconductor equipment industry as a study case to find out the core activities for after-sale service which they could emphasize, and then build the framework of the best practice for the after-sale service system. The framework of this thesis was divided into three levels those were seven after-sale service items, sixteen critical service quality indicators and some practical action programs respectively. The research probing into the experiences of successful firm makes the other ones to understand how to provide good service quality for the customers on the process of supplying after-sale services, and help them to promote the market shares and advantageous positions. Other related companies could study the factors of success which benchmark business have achieved, and then draw up the references for the issues of after-sale services. These references will help the companies to accelerate the control ability over carrying out after-sale services, increase the satisfaction of the customers and reduce the probability of failure in executing after-sale services. Therefore, the errors in the guiding principle and the target could be avoided to reduce the flowing away of customers and ameliorate low performance.en_US
dc.subjectafter-sale serviceen_US
dc.subjectbest practiceen_US
dc.subjectservice quality indicatorsen_US
dc.subjectSemiconductor Equipment Industryen_US
dc.titleA Study of Practice of After-Sale Service for Semiconductor Equipment Industryen_US