Title: 大台北地區數位相機消費者之購買行為與市場區隔
A Study on DSC Consumer’s Purchasing Behavior and Market Segmentation in Taipei District
Authors: 廖哲明
Che-Ming Liao
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 數位相機;消費者行為;市場區隔;生活型態;dsc;consumer behavior;marketing segmentation;lifestyle
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 數位科技的進步改變了人們的日常生活,而數位相機更是近年來成長極為快速的數位產品之一。數位相機(DSC)因具有隨拍即看、節省成本及體積輕巧等特性,已成為當今時下最熱門的產品。本研究希望透過數位相機之消費行為,瞭解消費者在評估數位相機時會注重哪些產品屬性。此外,從不同消費群體的角度去探討對產品偏好上的差異,希望有助於企業擬定其行銷策略之參考。 本研究以EKB模式作為本研究之架構,AIO生活型態變數作為市場區隔的基礎,DSC產品屬性與人口統計變數作為投入變數,透過消費實態變數作為消費行為之描述,將DSC市場區隔化。研究對象為台北地區目前已擁有DSC之消費者,以民國92年12月台北市世貿中心資訊展參觀民眾為抽樣對象進行調查。 研究結果顯示,DSC消費者可透過生活型態變數作有效的市場區隔,分為「廣告社交型」、「新潮自主型」、和「品牌衝動型」,各區隔市場消費者除了在消費實態變數之購買畫素上無顯著差異外,其餘在人口統計變數、購買動機、資訊尋求、產品屬性評估準則及消費實態變數上皆有顯著差異。
Advances in digital technology have changed our daily life. Digital Still Camera (DSC) is one of these rapidly growing products in recent years. Because of DSC’s features such as photography & browse at the same time, cost saving and compact size, it has become the hottest product at present. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to understand which product attributes that DSC consumers will pay most attention to. In addition, we can confer differ groups focus on the different product properties. Then we can map out the marketing strategy about the different consumers for the enterprises. This study use EKB model as a conceptual framework and the AIO lifestyle variable is used to be the foundation of the marketing segment, DSC product attributes and demographic factors are used as independent variables. Consumption reality variables describe the behavior of consumers. The sample is drawn from the residents of Taipei district who own DSC products. The sampling frame is the visitors to the Information Exhibition in Taipei World Trade Center during December, 2003. The results show:DSC consumers can be successfully segmented by lifestyle variable, such as “Advertisement-Social Buyer”,“ Fashion-Independent Buyer”,and“Brand-Impulsive Buyer”. Among the three market segments, Pixel size variable is not significant prediction of product choice. Rest of demographic variables, purchase motive variable, information search, and product attributes evaluation criteria, and consumption reality variables are significant predictors of product choice.
Appears in Collections:Thesis