Title: 購屋貸款消費者市場區隔之研究-以c銀行台北地區顧客為例
A Study on housing mortgage Consumer Market Segmentation-A case study on C Bank for Taipei district
Authors: 陳怡妏
Yi-Wen Chen
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 購屋貸款;市場區隔;生活型態;消費者行為;Housing mortgage;marketing segmentation;consumer behavior;lifestyle
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 台灣房貸業務是本國消費金融業務中,單筆借貸金額最高及比重最高的主力產品。雖然房貸利差較小,但是承辦房貸業務後,同樣只花一次固定成本,但可與客戶做較長久的接觸,其次為房貸多數是有擔保的放款,多數人對於房貸仍然是想如期繳納,風險也比較小,因此銀行對於目前房貸業務市場興趣很高。近年逐漸衍生出新型態購屋貸款商品,民眾應根據自己的需要,尋找最適合的購屋貸款。目前關於消費者對於購屋貸款的產品消費行為之研究不多見,本研究希望透過購屋貸款產品之消費行為,瞭解消費者在評估購屋貸款產品時會注重哪些產品特性。此外,從不同消費群體的角度去探討對產品偏好上的差異,希望有助於銀行業者擬定其行銷策略之參考。
Housing mortgage is one of the main business functions of consumer banking in Taiwan. Its dollar amount is higher than any other single loan. Although the interest rate of housing mortgage is relatively smaller than other types of loans, banks only need to spend a fixed cost and then keep in touch with consumers in a long period of time. Besides, since most consumers pay housing mortgage on time, banks bear lower risks. Thus, banks are still very interested in housing mortgage marketing. Recently, new types of housing mortgage derivatives are available on the market and that consumers can find the most suitable package according to their needs. However there is little research concerning Consumer Behavior towards housing mortgage; therefore the purpose of this research is to understand which product attributes consumers pay most attention to, and from the point of view of market segments to discuss the differences in product preference. This is necessary to help banks form their marketing strategy.
In this research, the EKB model is used as a conceptual framework, and the AIO lifestyle variables are used as a basis for market segmentation. Product attributes and demographic factors are used as independent variables. Consumption reality variables are used to describe the behavior of consumers. The analysis results of all of these variables provide the banks for selecting their goal markets and designing their marketing strategies.
The samples are from C Bank’s clients who applied for housing mortgage in Taipei District. The study finds: customer can be successfully segmented by lifestyle variables, such as “calculating-convenience buyer“, “advertisement-convenience buyer”, and ”brand-buyer”. Among the three market segments, demographic variables, information search, purchase motive variable, consumption reality variables and product attributes evaluation criteria are significant predictions of product choice.
According to the conclusion of this report, then suggest about product, price, place, and promotion strategy for housing mortgage related bank to establish marketing planning in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis