標題: | 科技保護措施規範之研究 A Study on the Regulation of the Technological Protection Measures |
作者: | 洪慕芳 Mu-Fang Hung 王敏銓 科技法律研究所 |
關鍵字: | 科技保護措施;反規避條款;數位千禧著作權法;Technological Protection Measures;anti-circumvention;DMCA |
公開日期: | 2006 |
摘要: | 數位科技迅速的成長與革新,所產生的利益無可計量,對於整個著作權世界的影響更是無遠弗屆,一方面創造了流通發達的數位內容,使得公眾使用資訊的便利性大幅提昇;另一方面,也為該等數位內容設置各種堅固的防護措施,使數位內容所有人對於數位內容擁有更強大的控制能力。這些防護措施,通稱為科技保護措施(technological protection measures,TPM)。而為因應數位時代著作權保護的需求,及凝聚國際間對保護數位化著作權之共識,世界智慧財產權組織(WIPO)於1996年12月簽署了「世界智慧財產權組織著作權條約」(WIPO Copyright Treaty,以下簡稱WCT)與「世界智慧財產權組織表演與錄音物條約」(WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty,以下簡稱WPPT)。而美國也於1998年通過數位千禧著作權法(Digital Millennium Copyright Act,以下簡稱DMCA),禁止規避著作權人於著作物中所設置的科技保護措施;為符合國際立法之趨勢,我國立法院也於2004年修正著作權法,通過關於防盜拷措施的相關規定。惟關於科技保護措施規範實行之結果,以美國為例,對言論自由、合理使用制度有極大影響,甚至影響產業的競爭秩序。究竟應如何在保障著作權人權利與保障公眾正當接觸、使用各類著作的機會間,取得一個較合理可接受的平衡點,以達到促進社會科學與文化發展的目的,將是一個值得探討的問題。
□ 本論文研究方法包括文獻分析及問卷調查。首先介紹科技保護措施規範之立法背景與目的。繼而介紹及討論WCT、WPPT等國際公約及美國DMCA、歐盟及德國、日本於科技護措施之規範。接著介紹與科技保護措施規範有關之案例,並探討其影響、學者提出之各種批評及修改建議 。最後介紹我國新修法之防盜拷措施相關規定及提出修法之建議。 The swift development and innovation of digital science not only lead to incalculable benefits, but also has influenced the whole copyright world without limitation. On the one hand, it creates circulating digital content which makes public use of information more convenient; on the other hand, it establishes all kinds of firm protections for the digital content owners to enhance their control over those digital content, These shelters, generally called “Technological Protection Measures (TPMs)”,In accordance with the protection of copyright in digital world and the synthesis of digital protections in the world, WIPO enacted WIPO Copyright Treaty(WCT) and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty(WPPT) on December 1996. The United States also enacted the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in 1998, which prohibits the circumvention of technology protection measures built into these objects protected by copyright. In the wake of these legislations, the ROC Legislative Yuan added the amendment about anti-circumvention to copyright law on 2004. In practice, the anti-circumvention provisions of the DMCA have developed into a serious threat to several important public policy priorities, such as free expression and scientific research, fair use and the competition in industry. How to reach the balance between the rights of the owners and the accessibility of the public is an issue worth discussing. □The research in this thesis combines methods of literature review and questionnaire survey. This thesis begins with an introduction of the origin, definition, scope of the TPMs. This thesis goes on to refer WCT, WPPT, DMCA. EU Directives and the related legislations of TPMs in Germany and Japan. Then refers some relative cases and discusses the impact of the regulations of TPMs, the relative comments and resolutions. Finally, introduces the related regulatory issues under the ROC Copyright Act and provides several comments and some suggestions. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/60023 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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