Title: 機場航空噪音費徵收之研究-以中正機場為例
A Study of Airport Noise Charges : the Case of the C.K.S. International Airport
Authors: 林如蘋
Lin, Ruby Ju-Ping
Anthony Fu-Wha Han
Keywords: 機場/航空噪音;噪音費;噪音成本;外部性;中正國際機場;airport/aircraft noise;noise charge;noise cost;externality;C.K.S. international airport
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 近年來,機場航空噪音所產生的外部性效果已經受到各相關單位的重 視。但是國內目前對該問題的研究文獻,多半集中在探討航空噪音對附近 居民生理與心理層面之影響,以及航空噪音的預測和防制技術方面。對於 航空噪音所隱含的經濟層面,特別是如何以噪音源付費的精神來徵收噪音 費,並沒有加以探討。而其實徵收航空噪音費,就國外的機場而言是一種 普遍的現象;同樣地,對於各國機場現行的噪音收費模式之比較分析,在 國內也未曾有相關的整理文獻。為彌補上述缺憾,本研究擬就航空噪音收 費問題,做一全面性的探討。除整理國內外相關文獻並構建理論模式外, 並且實際收集中正機場資料進行模擬試算;期能提供我國機場一個切實可 行的收費模式,以改善我國機場周圍地區之航空噪音問題。 本研究分 別從法規面與技術面,探討機場航空噪音費之徵收。在法規面,本研究收 集日本與我國的相關法規,加以分析比較;認為我國現行法規尚有未盡完 善之處,需要有關單位儘速通過相關立法。本研究將徵收的技術面分為成 本估算與成本分攤兩個子題。對於機場噪音的成本估算,本研究回顧了實 際支出,法定支出,以及財產折價估算三種途徑的相關文獻;至於成本分 攤,除相關經濟理論的回顧外,並進一步收集世界主要機場噪音費徵收現 況,再加上噪音工學的理論依據,歸納出兩種主要的分攤模式-線性模式 與指數模式。 本研究依據民航局估算之成本資料,以線性模式和指數 模式進行中正機場的航空噪音費率試算。試算結果顯示,重量與噪音值對 稱的航空器經兩模式試算出的費率接近;但是對於噪音值大重量小,或噪 音值小重量大的航空器,兩模式的試算結果就有差異。例如,B747-400 每架次徵收的線性噪音費率為 NT$ 8,524,指數費率為 NT$ 8,161; B737-222 每架次的線性費率為 NT$ 2,621,而指數費率為 NT$ 5,094。 以評估污染成本的觀點而言,指數模式相較於我國機場現行之線性模式, 似較能反映航空器造成之噪音影響。指數模式在應用時,建議以人類感受 範圍作為轉換係數的範圍,而各架次的噪音值可以加上時段的調整。另外 ,為降低參數變動對費率的影響,建議每年調整單位收費價格而不改變收 費設計。 The main purpose of this study is to explore how aircraft noise charges can be calculated. In order to give an empirical example of how such calculations would work in practice, we estimated the noise charge per landing at C.K.S. international airport. We explored the charging problem both from the legislative perspective and technical perspective. The legislative side includes a survey of the related regulations of Japan and Taiwan. We compared the differences and develop the legislation framework of our country, pointing out that legislation is an important issue and should be improved as soon as possible. The technical side of airport noise charge problem can be considered as two sub-problems : cost estimation and cost allocation. For cost estimation, three approaches were discussed : via the real expenditure, via the regulated expenditure, and via the property depreciation. The first two were applied to the C.K.S. case. For cost allocation, based on the existing formulae being applied by various airports worldwide, we categorized these noise charge formulae into two major models : Linear Model and Exponential Model. Both models were used to calculate the noise fee for the C.K.S. international airport. Numerical results of our case study showed that two models have similar outcomes for heavy and noisy aircraft or light and quiet ones, and dissimilar outcomes for heavy but quiet aircraft or light but noisy ones. For example, a typical B747-400 would be charged NT$ 8,524 per landing for Linear Model and NT$ 8,161 for Exponential Model, but a B737-222 would be charged NT$ 2,621 for Linear Model and NT$ 5,094 for Exponential Model. In comparison to Linear Model currently being employed by our country, Exponential Model seems to have better quality to reflect the noise impact caused by one aircraft. When Exponential Model is applied, we suggest that the value of transformation coefficient should be set between the range that reflects human perceptions, and a time period penalty should be included in the noise index of the aircraft for each operation. To eliminate the impact of time-lag effect, we recommend a charging system with fixed calculation formula and adjustable unit price.
Appears in Collections:Thesis