標題: 號誌化交叉路口機車等候佈置方式評選之研究
A Study on the Evaluation and Selection of Motorcycle Waiting- area Layout at Signalized Intersections
作者: 周孟書
Zhou, Meng-Su
T. Hugh Woo
關鍵字: 機車;等候佈置;號誌化交叉路口;motorcycle;Waiting-area layout;signalized intersection
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 在國內之道路上,因機車數佔機動車輛數的比例極高,使得汽機車混 合行駛之情形極為嚴重,形成一種與歐美國家迥然不同的機車文化。以運 具在車流中所佔的比例而言,汽車、機車兩者皆為道路的主要使用者,但 是在行車環境上來看,機車可以說是處於一弱勢的地位,並未受到合理的 對待。因此本研究以機車於路口之等候佈置方式為主題,歸納適用之佈置 方式,探討可能影響各等候方式選擇之因素,以建立機車等候佈置方式評 選之層級架構。並使用「分析階層程序法」決定各評估準則之權重值,再 運用「質化與量化多評估準則方法」建立評估模式,以衡量路口之最佳等 候佈置方式。 本研究利用已使用或已研究過之機車等候佈置方式 ,以及新提出之構想,經由初步篩選,歸納出五種可行之方案,作為選擇 之依據。接著,在考慮影響各等候佈置方式選擇之因素時,針對效率性、 安全性與公平性等三大層面做考慮。因此,在機車等候佈置方式評選之層 級架構中,有效率性、安全性與公平性觀點等三個標的,而在其下之準則 有:交通衝突數、機車停等威脅性、容量、平均延滯、交通適應性、車道 分配之公平性、車種分配之公平性。再利用AHP與「質化與量化多評估準 則方法」結合為本研究之評估模式。由結果得知以安全性考量最為重要, 其權重值達0.659。 最後本研究選定一路口,透過實地拍攝調查方式 收集各項相關資料,進行例證研究,以說明本研究之評估模式。本研究之 評估模式應可提供工程決策單位從事機車等候佈置方式之評估選擇。惟其 在應用時,各準則之績效衡量值可能須以更嚴謹之方法來加以決定。 Motorcycles are popular in Taiwan. However, the driving environment of motorcycles is in a poor situation. This study take the motorcyclewaiting-arealayout at signalized intersection as the subject, inducesthe suitable layout patterns, explores the factors which may affect the selection of waiting-area layout, and establishes the hierarchyframework of the evaluation of motorcycle waiting-area layout. AnalyticHierarchy Process is used to determined the weight value of criterion,and Multicriteria Evaluation with Qualitative and Quantitative Datais used to establish the evaluation model. The study considers the waiting-area layouts which are currently used or presented, then induces 5 feasible alternatives. Efficiency, safety and fairness were considered as the factors which affect the selecting process. Three objectives (namely efficiency, safety, and fairness)were considered in the hierarchy framework, and the criteria under the objectives are : the number of traffic conflicts, the motorcycle stopping-waiting threat, capacity, average delay, traffic flow fitness,the fairness of lane allotting, the fairness of mode allotting.AHP andMulticriteria Evaluation with Qualitative and Quantitative Data were combined to be the evaluation model. The results show that safety is the most import which has a weight value of 0.659. Finally, an intersection is chosen as a case study. Data needed were collected by filming to illustrate the evaluation model.
Appears in Collections:Thesis