Title: | 臺灣資訊業國際化經營與海外分支機構人力資源策略之實證分析 Bsidging the Eclectic Paradigm and Integration - Responsiveness Framework of Human Resource Srauegy : An Empirical Study on Overseas Subsidiaries of Taiwan's Information Industry |
Authors: | 黃帝綸 Huang, Ariel 陳光華, 劉尚志 Quang-Hua Chen, Shang-Jyh Liu 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | O灣資訊業;海外分支機構;人力資源策略;折衷典範理論;整合回應模式;Taiwan's Information Industry;Overseas Subsidiaries;Human Resource Surategy;the Eclectic Paradigm;Integration-Responsiveness Framework |
Issue Date: | 1995 |
Abstract: | 企業國際化經營時所面對的全球產業環境,不僅競爭激烈,且其個別產業 競爭態勢也變遷迅速,同時各海外分支機構與總公司之間則呈現著一種組 織間網絡的關係,而企業在擬定其海外分支機構人力資源策略時,不僅包 含傳統組織的思維方式,企業國際化等經營要素需考慮進去,故本研究試 以企業國際化的角度結合海外分支機構,探討臺灣資訊業海外分支機構之 人力資源策略等相關問題。本研究以經濟部投資審議委員會所登錄的資訊 業廠商為研究調查對象,扣除重複投資案件,共計廠商112家,研究工具 則以問卷為主,計有效問卷53份,有效回收率達47.32%,其主要實證結果 如下:(1)臺灣資訊業廠商在選擇其海外分支機構人力資源策略時,其考 量方向主要可分成與母公司一致性及當地化兩類。(2)影響母公司一致性 的因素計有母公司企業規模、母公司國際化經驗、對當地機構依賴性及對 母公司資源依賴性;而影響當地化因素計有母公司產品創新能力、當地市 場因素、當地環境風險及對當地機構依賴性。(3)臺灣資訊業海外分支機 構人力資源策略型態主要分為自主型、準聽命型、行動型及過渡型,其中 以準聽命型及過渡型為最多,(4)臺灣資訊業各海外分支機構人力資源策 略型態之整體績效以行動型為最高,準聽命型次之, 過渡型為最低。 Ever since 1980s, personal computers (PC) and semiconductors industries aretwo distinguished hi-tech industries emerged in Taiwan. As 1990s, Taiwanis in the third place of the global suppliers for PC and associated products.This study conducted herein is to analyze the strategic management of humanresource for the overseas subsidiaries of Taiwan's PC hardware producers. Theoretical frameworks of Eclectic Paradigm and the Integration- Responsivenessmodel are employed and performance is evaluated for different types of humanferent types of human resource strategy. In order to compare the contributionof strategic variables and to group the patterns of internationalorganizations, we apply the quantitative methods of multiple regression andmultivariate statistics. It reveals that the firm size, theinternationalisation experience and the product innovation of a parentcompany, as well as the local activities, markets, risks, resources and thereliance of headquarters of the overseas subsidiaries, havesignificant influences on the human resource strategy. On the basis of twostrategic dimensions of consistency with parent company and the localizationrequirements, this research defines four distinct strategic categories forhuman resource management. Although Taiwanese information enterprises areincreasingly stepping out for global expansion, the ning stage of international business development. Ad hocand more receptive, instead of autonomous and active, modes of humanresource strategies are dominant in the corporate decisions for theirinternational affiliations. Performance assessment indicates that the activestyle excels other strategic alternatives in terms of the overall and humanresource evaluation. It seems that most Taiwanese firms are cautious aboutand accumulating hands-on experiences of their international investment atcurrent stage. The external uncertainty of foreign environment leads to asituation of trial and error for the industrial globalization. The uncertaincircumstance also has a link with the governance patterns of internationalsubsidiaries. Globalization of Taiwan's personal computer industry, as awhole, is on the way from passive to more active strategy of human resource. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/60242 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |